New Eventide H90 pedal

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Anyone know where you can find H9 and other eventide presets for timefactor, modfactor, pitchfactor, space pedal and more? They can all be loaded in H90 from what I gather.

Thereā€™s this place someone showed me and I downloaded all of them lol.

Of course Iā€™ll be making my own presets too but always good to see what others do and dissect them.

Haha. I was shocked the other day to see the Chase Bliss Generation Loss going for 67,000 yen, but that looks cheap compared to the 154,000 for this one. Suddenly a Prophet 5 seems like not such a bad price. :slight_smile:


thanks Brockstar, ended up scoopin one up from over there, they only have a few left :+1:

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Yay :slight_smile: Mine is out for delivery today! Only took 2 days!

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this would be cool to have with my Strymon and Analog Heat.

Any word on latency? To test, I guess you could set the bypass to be direct bypass (not going through DSP), and test with percussive sounds playing over some other percussive sounds.

Does the sound that go through the H90 noticeably get out of phase (hearing percussive hits a little delayed) when you turn bypass OFF?

Can you please elaborate more, as this is the first time (on this thread) that iā€™ve heard anyone discuss latency in an FX pedal. Itā€™s something iā€™ve never noticed on any FX Pedal or Hardware Rack unit.


I experience that with my Space, Timefactor and H9. The signal going through the effect isnā€™t the dry signal from the Analog input directly in an algorithm, itā€™s first converted to digital and then processed. This is no problem in most situations, it sounds amazing, and Iā€™m happy.

Only when I tried to use on of these pedals directly after my Nord Drum 3P I noticed the latency issueā€¦ When the pedal is not in oypass mode, there is a few milliseconds of delay added for the conversion, and it gets a little behind rythm-wise.

In all other situations, Iā€™m happy with them. I use them as sends with my mixer and donā€™t notice these few milliseconds, as the dry signal doesnā€™t go through the pedals.

I just wondering if the H90 somehow improves the situation.


I want to emphasize that the latency is really not a problem for playing through the pedal for me, only with a sequenced drum instrument as an insert, that where I notice it and Iā€™ve found a way, as a send.


When I used my H9 the most, I had it in the aux send of my mixer, so I could set wet-dry levels as I pleased.

Thatā€™s probably why I never noticed latency.


Ordered mine a week or so back and it looks like itā€™ll finally arrive mid next week. Really excited to try this with the Modor DR-2, it should sound super lush!


Finally been playing it last night and today. Put my Meris LVX in the path of the H90 too! Loving them both so much. So much musical sonic ground covered even when I have a lot of other things too lol.

Also have 2 foot expression pedals under the table. One for LVX and other for H90 and then a OBNE expression slider in H90 as well.


Orā€¦ an OBNE crossfader. :exploding_head:


Worth selling the CXM1978 and Otobit for the H90?

Should cover most the expense!

Afaik there are no granular type of effects in Eventides. Their focus are pitch-shifters, delays, etc. New effects also seem to be a new takes on classics.
2 Eventide FXs at once can do a good mangling, but not in a ā€œgrain cloudā€ or ā€œstutteringā€ type.

Maybe only some harmoniser effects which transform a tone into arpeggio may sound close (forgot which ones on both boxes).

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Chase Bliss ā€œExpā€ should be able to do that. Pretty sure it can reverse polarity independently for either of its outs.

There was a post on another forum by a guy whoā€™s very deep into loopers and he actually posted a very interesting description of a preset he was working on and also a second reference to a preset that will be modeled after a patch on the Eventide Ultratap which allows for looping/glitchy sounds. This was one of the more interesting references Iā€™ve seen so far, personally. Iā€™d love to be able to create some machines that operate in this sphere.

Note - the link should go to the post, but it doesnā€™t display properly.

so how you H90ā€™ers liking your units, are they keepers for you?


Pleeeeeeeaaaseeeā€¦ more synth demos. :smiley:

I want to hear some dubby delays and huge/lush reverbs.