New Eventide H90 pedal

The faq is correct, the H90 Looper algorithm is definitely stereo.


Ah great ! I still want to try and use it for looping my jam transitions.

I just received the unit. I let it get warmer in the room before turning it on.

I own a Eventide PowerMAX V2, but it looks like it wonā€™t work for it as the H90 requires 1000ma and the 12V output from the Eventide PowerMAX V2 only delivers 500ma.

Am I misunderstanding that?

I found this on their FAQ:

I wonderā€¦ ā€œyou canā€¦ā€ means what? Is there any disadvantage? (Iā€™m not knowledgeable with power mattersā€¦)

I want this pedal as it looks like a major improvement over the H9 pedal and next to Strymon, Eventide has killer delay and reverb effects.

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Another question to people who have bought the H90: did it have a screen protector out of the box? Mine doesnā€™t. It looks new but still, I wonder.

I love this pedal. I got one right when they were announced. I sadly have to sell it though because I need the money. Highest recommendations from me though! They knocked it out of the park with it IMO.


Sorry to hear!

I just received it and played with it for about 30 minutes, indeed, so beautiful! Iā€™m glad, being able to edit the algorithms on the pedal is amazing. And the new pitch tracking is indeed tight.

Did yours come with a screen protector?

Hereā€™s what CIOKS said on another forum re: power:

We have had communications with Eventide regarding the power requirements of the H90. At startup, the unit requires 585mA at 12V for startup due to the processors. Once the startup is complete, the operating current/mA is 365mA @ 12v.

With our Future Generation power supplies (DC7 & SOL), at 12V our units put out 500mA as labeled. However the headroom is higher than stated. So, one outlet from the DC7 or SOL will certainly power the H90. From the startup procedure, the LED of the outlet may dim or completely go out, but that is due to the startup sequence of the H90. Once startup is completed, the LED will come back on and the H90 will be in full operating mode.

What Iā€™m getting from this is thereā€™s high current draw as it boots and then settle down to a lower voltage. So the boot sequence may have some lights dimming or something, but once itā€™s through the boot sequence itā€™ll work fine. Iā€™m just some guy on the internet though, so certainly double check this, but as someone who hoping to use this with the a Cioks unit, this was nice to read and Iā€™d feel comfortable.


Thanks. Iā€™ve now received the H90 and connected it to that 12V 500 mA output from the PowerMax and it works fine.

I also asked Eventide support and they said itā€™s fine.

Good to know that most power is needed to boot and not so much in operation!

Thatā€™s the answer from Eventide:
Ā« Yes, you can use the 12V 500mA outlet to power the H90. This is sufficient and will work properly. You will not damage the pedal.

However, if you are concerned, then you can use the power supply that came with the unit. Ā»

I donā€™t really get the last sentence as my question was Ā« should I be concerned? Ā» but I choose not to be then :blush:


New video up with a run-through of the Analog delay based on the algorithm in the Eventide Rose pedal. It sounds excellent.


Iā€™ve been looking in the manual to see if thereā€™s some way to change patches via midi other then stepping up and down. I would like to send a program number and have the pedal switch to that patch immediately. Is this possible?

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I havenā€™t looked at that but Iā€™d expect soā€¦

Thatā€™s my thought as well, but when looking at the midi implementation, the only thing I can find is to step up and down.

I got mine a few days after announcement and mine did not have any screen protection on it either. I donā€™t think they come with one.

Ah hanks a lot! In any case, that H90 doesnā€™t leave me now. What an amazing, rich device! Today I made a good beginning of a track, itā€™s on everything in varying dosage :blush:


Could anyone owning the H90 try sending program change messages to it and see if it changes the patch?

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Looks amazing on my pedal wish list. Bought most of the Strymon pedals that I wanted this year and those are fantastic as well.

One thing I canā€™t figure out from reading the manual is if the H90 can be used in ā€œDual Routingā€ mode to process two separate signals and output both signals to only one stereo pair so it can be used as a mixer. I only see that it can be used in ā€œDual Routingā€ mode to output both signals to two separate pair of outputs.