New Eventide H90 pedal


here a cool video more synth and groove boxes on the H-90


I read this question at different places, but still didn’t see an answer.

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I want to know too

Program change loads the relative PC# in the list (factory, user, etc) of Programs. So, you have to be in the list you want to be using. You cannot load individual “presets” with PC. Remember that a “Program” is a patch of two “presets” along with whatever routing you’ve assigned.

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I have the pedal myself now and tried it out just a couple of hours ago. It worked as you described. However, there’s more of a lag than what I would have hoped for before the patch actually changes. So, for example, if you use a Syntakt and put a program change trigger on the beat, it won’t sync up with the music in a perfect way (rather, the old patch will keep going for a while after the beat). This was quite a letdown to me.

This is true for the H9 as well. I’ve never used it with a sequencer sending PC… just a midi foot controller. Some algorithms load faster than others for sure. I think I’ve become so accustom to the load lag over the years. I got a Pitchfactor in 2009ish, and an h9 whenever after that. They’ve all done what you describe.

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I wonder if there has been any comments from eventide regarding this, even if it’s expected behavior just curious if they’ve shared any thoughts on it…

I wil ask them and share what they say if they respond

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Why is the h90 called a harmonizer. I dont know what a harmonizer is, but I thought this is a multi effect.

I have a playdifferently 1.4 and thought of buying h90 as send/return fx. Is it a good idea or overkill? And can i easilly twist knobs, or will this be a menu diving nightmare?

I will try out soon, your ideas are more than welcome

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I think its not a good dj fx unit, a pioneer rmx 1000 makes more sense. Or for that price an Ocatrack on send return on the mixer, looping fx, and customizable fx chaiins with neighbour tracks.

The H9 has been quite a staple of DJs for a while, at least in Berlin and here in Stockholm, why exactly do you think it’s not a good DJ FX unit?

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A MIDI Controller can always ease your pain or any Elektron MIDI Track.

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I thought they did that to not abruptly kill reverb tails and such, but I didn’t hear that from eventide.

I understood that it can switch algorithms/presets while still playing the tails. I remember someone complaining further up the thread that this meant you could run four algos at once, not just two!

Eventide responded quickly…

Jerome Hyman from Eventide


I’m not aware of any lag when loading programs via MIDI program change messages on the H90. There are many things external of the H90 that could cause this problem, such as MIDI cable length, the number of products in the MIDI signal chain and the amount of MIDI messages being sent at one time. Some of the H90 programs may be a little more memory intensive, based on the algorithms used, but they should still load quickly.

As for the numbers being off, there is no standard for MIDI Program Change numbers. Some companies use 0-127, like Eventide, and some companies use 1-128. So, when creating MIDI maps with units with different standards there are going to be discrepancies. There is nothing you can do except to compensate when creating your MIDI maps by incrementing or decrementing the number on the MIDI controller by ‘1’. It’ll work fine as long as you keep everything consistent with the number difference. There is currently no way to set a unique MIDI Map where you determine what program gets loaded when a specific MIDI program change message is received on the H90, so this alteration must be done of the MIDI controller. As of now it’s on a 1 to 1 basis. So, MIDI program change #1 loads program #1 and so on. That can’t be changed. We’re hoping to add this functionality in a future update, but right now nothing is imminent.

Let me know if you need anything else."


Thinking about getting this for the chorus. Seems like they are backordered until March :(. Anyone wish to talk me out of it?

So many other cools pedal out there like empress zoia… just wondering where this will fit in my studio.

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I got mine a week ago and have hardly had a chance to scratch the surface but it’s definitely a keeper. I think having so many FX in one speaks to the part of me that prefers working in a DAW environment. I haven’t actually thought about buying another pedal since getting the h90 as I’d first have to spend a few hours making sure the h90 couldn’t do the other pedals job first!

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everybody still in the honeymoon phase?

I wish I could have a honeymoon phase …

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don’t we all

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