New Eventide H90 pedal

I will also end up with one I’m sure

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Currently only € 1.199,- at Thomann.
Way to cheap what will cause long delivery times due to 1000s of orders. :wink:

WTF I imagined 899 dollar > 899 euros


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The app (seen in Loopop’s video) looks pretty bad. What is it about Eventide and control apps?

Also, Looper is still mono. But then again, my guitar is mono, and you can put another also after it, which seems like a lot of fun.

What are the alternatives to this? Is anyone else doing multi FX pedals to this quality, which aren’t also guitar amp sims?

Express pedals in are also for cv … yey!

eventide days: dual stereo mode (4 ins 4 outs) and also 2 fx per programm. Does it means it runs up to 4 algos? So 2 for stereo 1 + 2 for stereo 2??

If you have max’d out the algos to unlock it as a max, it is now a max. However, if you just purchased a few random algos on one the other versions and have not max’d them out, I don’t believe you can transfer those algos and the devcie will go back to whatever it was initially purchased as (core or harmonizer)

:joy: and looper in mono still? :rofl:

It will suit my needs perfectly. Sold :+1:

so will Eventide do a Black Friday sale on the H90?

Well, I maxed out my algos… but if the price is € 1200.- € it’s way to much for what I can afford

Not sure it’ll be available by then as it’s saying 4-5 weeks before in stock. But if they do I’ll be all over that like a rash

Dieter says Delete.


Only just got my CXM1978. Tempted to chop it in for this - looks so versatile

Me too. Was using an iPad as a multi channel fx loop on my mixer and that is great, but can be a little buggy with slight latency, so was secretly waiting for a good hardware option I suppose

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With a bit of patience one could find an Eclipse for the price of the H90

It’s in stock at Sweetwater and the price is what I predicted earlier- $899.



GFI System Synesthesia?

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Already in stock at Moog Audio (Montreal) for 1239 CAN$

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Just tried to order from them but they won’t ship to the UK :man_shrugging:t2: