New Eventide H90 pedal

Yes. Prices in the US never include tax. I lived in Europe for a long time and then when I came back to the US I was super annoyed with it – I was broke and in college, and I went to the grocery store I had a mental tally of what I spent and then I’d be surprised with the bill at the end.

I think it’s silly that taxes aren’t included… It’s not like it’s optional to pay it!


Eclipse-in-a-pedal was my first reaction. H9 when it was released was basically half an Eclipse in pedal format.

Unless I hear something different in that 2-hr engineer talk, I’ll just assume the algos will all sound the same. I’ve seen some pedalboards with 2 or more H9s because they wanted/needed the sound of more than one algo - those people would likely get an H90 to replace 2 H9s on the board to save a little board space.

Needless to say, for some people being able to use Crystals and Blackhole at the same time is enough of a selling point.

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I often go to a Starbucks near the Eventide HQ. I’m gonna start checking their garbage for discarded h9s.


Thank you. Will do some reading up. I have an iConnect Audio4 and an iPad that I really should use more.

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$1239 CAD at Long & McQuade in Canada. Search results show it in stock online but drilling down into it shows it unavailable. I wonder if it sold out that quickly:

It’s running an ARM chip. so it’s a miniPC running a specialized OS with just two (plus two in the background for seamless preset switching) plugins. ARM chip ipads can run many many more of the same eventide plugins at the same time.

I do wonder what the in/out latency is?

I have an H9max, that gathers a lot of dust, but the license for the plugins it comes with gets extensively used.
Are any of the new algorithms going to be released as plugins?

Weird. Trying to imagine what else you could say: Event Tide? Evan Tide? Eeveen Teedee? :joy:


Sweetwater sold out

looks like a manglemonster


Bought a Meris LVX this week. Barely used it. Ordered this today, it’ll be here Friday! Gonna compare and try and only keep one!

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Egg n’ Ted. :partying_face:


Not far off:



I just realized.

I was talking to Loopop on the comments about the Softpop 2, about how wonderful he is a making music.

He said he sometimes uses reverb to make his demos sound better.

I asked what reverb is his go to…… and like the marketing genius that he is, he said he would have something on his channel real soon that would answer that question.

The H90


They do say they tweaked some algos. The spring reverb is deeper, you can put the trem before reverb, for example.

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Same! I have an H9 but rarely like its algos, other than reverb, delay, and the amazing harmonizers. Whereas my iPad has a ton of amazing stuff.

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Hmmmm YES!
The H9 converts the dry to digital, which is why I can’t be happy! They say it’s that way so they can work out tracking and no latency in the pedal mix.
Hope there’s none of that compensation in the H90

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This is interesting, as I’ve been using my iPad as an fx processor for my Yamaha mixing desk. It’s got 4 fx sends going through a PreSonus interface/iPad and back into the mixer - I’ve noticed the fx latency with drum machines is too much, even with latency correction applied to the signal path via the iPad app I use called AUM.
I’ve just bought the H90 with the view (not based on science, just my assumption) that a hardware pedal would eradicate the latency issue, but I guess it’s the same kind of routing arrangement as the iPad, albeit less connections in the chain. In fact, the iPad has an M1 chip, so I suppose it has way more processing power than the H90. Hmmmm.
Well, the H90 will arrive next week, so we shall see!

Found this on the FAQ’s page but not sure what impact it has on the sound in practice:

Does the H90 have an analog dry path?

After extensive testing with an analog dry path vs. converting the signal and doing the wet/dry mix after the converter, we chose the latter due to the fact that it ultimately sounds better. By changing the wet/dry mix after the conversion we avoid comb filtering resulting from phase cancellation which occurs when mixing together a dry analog signal with a signal which has gone through A/D and D/A. This comb filtering effect can seriously degrade your tone depending on the frequency. We use very high quality A/D converters which are very transparent and do not affect your tone (we have been making effects processors used by guitar players for over 50 years and have a proven track record in this area). However, if you so desire, you can use a switcher or an analog pan pedal and run a completely dry analog signal path outside the Stompbox and run H90 at 100% wet. In fact, we have added a “Kill Dry” setting in the system menu if you are running your set up that way.

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Might as well just expand on my H9 Max with an H9 Core for the same basic feature set. Not very impressive.

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Looks great!

Whoops sorry,

Has someone been copying someone else’s homework?


Many pedals look very similar on first glance and with limited physical space there aren’t many options on how to place things if it’s also supposed to be “simple” to use. Turntables all look basically the same as well… but that doesn’t mean that Eventide wasn’t “inspired” by the Ampero pedal.

The screen on the Ampero looks better! It’s half the price but seems to be half as capable as the H90.