New, knobby SID synth

I want mine!!!


OK, so I took the fact that the chip included version had sold out as a sign it was not meant to be. And my bank manager breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they came back in stockā€¦

as far as I remember I got a tracking code ā€¦ not sure, have to checkā€¦but maybe he run out of chips

Iā€™m a bit annoyed that the phrase ā€˜In Stockā€™ actually meant ā€˜Not in stock and yet ready to shipā€™. Been three weeks since I ordered. :disappointed:

According to their website the maximum lead time is 20 days so hopefully they will be shipping soon. I ordered mine 3 weeks ago as well.

It said 2 weeks when I ordered :wink:

What would be awesome and would certainly help make the wait less painful would be to hint see it in action hint

Anyone got one and hooked it up to an Elektron machine?

I just got a nice email from Alex. Apparently there have been parts delays because of a Chinese holiday and tighter customs in France but he says heā€™s back on track now and that they should be shipping soon. Itā€™s a one man operation so he builds and tests each one himself. Tracking info will be emailed when shipped.

A friend is eagerly awaiting bringing over his SidStation for comparison.

Yes letā€™s see / hear some demos from anyone who already has one please.


Yes, I got the same email and I understand heā€™s a one man show but as I said; when an item says itā€™s ā€˜in stockā€™ for purchase then it should be in stock for delivery.

Just my impatience bubbling up. :wink:

Yes the excitement is boiling up for me to. Whoever gets theirs first needs to setup a proper tripod and record their sessions. We all want to see how this beast is unleashed.

Yes me too. Iā€™m really looking forward to it!

Just got an email from Alex and there is another delay.

He had received the wrong batch of power supplies. He also received upside down knobs.

He does hope to ship soon. Hopefully everything works out.

edit with reply from Alex of Twisted Electrons

I am actually getting annoyed that there is no communicationā€¦
I placed my order on the 23rd of September, and the max expected lead time was 15 days then.
The only thing that has happened is they have my money, and I havenā€™t gotten any sort of reply other than an order confirmation.


I sent him an email and got a reply.
He was apologetic about the lack of communication and said that he would send out an update to everyone tonight regarding the status.

To quote him: ā€œAfter a change of pots, knobs, new batch of power supplies all is in motion now and I hope to ship very soon.ā€

Hopefully weā€™ll start getting our hands on these soon! :slight_smile:

So do I, but in the meantime Iā€™m learning this amazing tracker called NTRQ! :wink:

Everything is so well thought out that reading the manual puts a smile on my face.

RE: the delay, itā€™s understandable with a small scale thing like the Therapsid. And the time thatā€™s passed is nothing compared to the long teaser campaigns, release date uncertainties and delays of bigger companies the past years. Whatever time it takes, Iā€™m just glad itā€™s being made.

Good times for chip stuff! :slight_smile:

So do I, but in the meantime Iā€™m learning this amazing tracker called NTRQ! :wink:

Everything is so well thought out that reading the manual puts a smile on my face.

RE: the delay, itā€™s understandable with a small scale thing like the Therapsid. And the time thatā€™s passed is nothing compared to the long teaser campaigns, release date uncertainties and delays of bigger companies the past years. Whatever time it takes, Iā€™m just glad itā€™s being made.

Good times for chip stuff! :)[/quote]
Ha ha :joy:
You should check out all of my other stuff:

PR8 drum machine is more drum/pattern orientated with a kind-of p-lock programmable modulation.

Pulsar was done in response to people wanting a more LSDJ-style tracker for NES

DroNES is a drone synth with AM and FM modulation. You can get that one from my website:

Thereā€™s also Super Magic Music Maker (SMMM) which isā€¦just odd. Generative sequencer that plays itself with user influence, preset scales, strange modulation and a bit of fun.

Did he send an email update to everyone?

I didnā€™t receive anything, only my order receipt when I first ordered.

I assumed I wouldnā€™t get one since he already had written a response to me, so I havenā€™t gotten an ā€œofficial statementā€ directed to everyone.

Just got an email with a tracking number. My unit shipped.

Yep I got a shipping email as well.

Same :slight_smile:

Me too!
