New Modor drum machine - DR2

Awesome news!

I did, itā€™s a beefy boy!

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Dieter says delete.

Bob Eats has a new vid out about the Modor. Thought Modor fans might want to know. He also claims to have influenced the developer of Modor to release a new firmware that allowed parameter locking. That seems far fetched to me, but I guess itā€™s plausible.

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Not sure. Will let you know when mine arrives :slight_smile:


Stop it! Stop it!
I donā€™t wanna hear! I donā€™t wanna see this drum machine!


Juno got oneā€¦ā€¦.

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Starting to look more and more like Iā€™m getting one of these as soon as I get some funds freed up for it. Itā€™s got a slightly less aggressive core tone to it compared to other recent drum machine heavy-hitters. Plus parameter locks is going to be a game changer!

Someone: So how many drum machines do you actually need?

Me: Yes.


One question tho: Can anyone confirm if the new firmware enables tonal playing on all sounds (tenordrum, toms etc.) or just the BD (which is specifically mentioned in a couple of places)?

So this just arrived. Thanks @Claid!
Itā€™s my digital drum machine choice now and is replacing the LXR-02, as I just canā€™t get on with its fiddly little UI.
I canā€™t get over how massive it is. It dwarfs the ARmk2 - itā€™s more like an OG TR.
Having just messed about with it for 10 mins, Iā€™m already getting on with it well. Its immediacy is such a breath of fresh air. I possibly prefer it to the ARmk1/2, which Iā€™ve used for 6 years now. It just feels good straight away - canā€™t say that for many synths Iā€™ve tried.
It seems like it has similar sonic capabilities to the LXR-02, but better/deeper. The UI is non comparable - appreciate itā€™s almost four times bigger! Had to move everything around to accommodate it. Haha.
Will report back when Iā€™ve had more of a chance to explore.


Thatā€™s super cool, enjoy! I want to hear it through the Heat. :smiley:

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Will upload some demos soonā€¦.ish :smiley:


I am finding the Akai MPC or NI Maschine+ to be a perfect drum machine companion to work along side with the DR-2. With an 8-channel USB class compliant audio interface (i.e., Tascam US-16x08), I can route all 6 of the DR-2ā€™s individual outputs to the MPC or Maschine+ to apply delay and other effects.

It still leaves me a stereo input for either the Jomox Alpha Base, Elektron Rytm MK2 or Roland TS-8S, which have their own internal effects. All three are grouped processed inside the MPC or Maschine+ for cohesion.


Has anyone compared it to the Perkons? Would be interested to hear some experiencesā€¦

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Yep. The DR-2 has a more traditional feel but the sounds are anything but, itā€™s very clever digital synthesis that delivers the goods consistently. Very big, very roomy with lots of space between the knobs. I donā€™t really get on with the pattern and kit switching but to be honest I think itā€™s a mental block thing rather than an actual issue. The Pērkons is festooned with knobs and buttons and switches and itā€™s a joy to make kits and patterns on and switch between them.

So DR-2 I would say is old-skool box feel with modern digital synthesis, and handling a Pērkons feels like becoming a robot techno DJ high on skittles and Jagerbombs.


Can you please elaborate on this a little bit (for someone whoā€™s considering getting one at some point)? Whatā€™s the biggest difference to how Elektrons handle patterns/kits, for example?

I donā€™t know if I can answer to be honest, as I didnā€™t actually do it on the DR-2! I was just thinking of the Pērkons and how it makes the kit/pattern making/performing process seamless and fun. Itā€™s like one continuous hyperactive event rather than a considered process. Rather than stressing over the details you just bang out kits and patterns like thereā€™s no tomorrow.

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Itā€™s a bit quirky but totally fine. You press menu and it will cycle through menu options with each press. When you get to the setting you want just let the cursor run right to left then it will go into that setting. So you save a kit/pattern independently then also name them. Like Tempest itā€™s about building kits then using them. Tbh I usually just fire it up and make a kit cos itā€™s so quick and I donā€™t save them so much. Except the six bottles kit I made which is super.


You can just hold the kit button and press rec to save kit and the same with pattern, hold pattern and press rec.
Hold both kit+pattern to load from/save to simultaneously from the same slot (kit10/pattern10 example).
I think itā€™s the best system, jam through different patterns using a particular kit or switch kits all spazzed over a funky pattern.

All that scrolling to save/load kits/patterns went out the window a few/couple os updates backā€¦


Unless Iā€™m bonkers the two boxes work the same, you can switch kit, pattern or kit+patternā€¦
Edit- actually isnā€™t there is an option in the menu for Perkons to link or unlink pattern from kit, seem to remember that from my brief affair?