New Modor drum machine - DR2

I’ve had some communication with Modor, just casual, but some development of the sequencer was mentioned. Tbh I think it needs it as I prefer to be hands on and the Perkons nails that side of things, Roland just updated their drum machines so there is a lot of choice right now. I think the pulsar Modor combo offers the least overlap, and represent the ‘limits’ of analogue and digital drum machines. Just my opinion.


Btw there is one on reverb for 920 quid. Don’t know if it’s legit but messaging the seller usually flushes the weasels out.

Damn you Francis

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At that price I was going to buy one for the shitter.


At about 12 mins in this guy states that parameter locks per step will be introduced…
I hope this is true!
I love this machine so much already, it will become a stone cold classic I’m sure of it!

I’ve screen grabbed it for you all…



Some videos from a Frenchman

A Modor DR-2 (and NF-1) arrived last week, and I am highly impressed. It sounds great, and the 1/32 note pattern grid is very efficient for programming beats.

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That would be absolutely wicked, this machine needs parameter locks. Or at least beta voices that allowed for more than one knob variation.


I almost spat my coffee out when I heard they guy say that!:hushed::dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:
Having the secondary velocity target, random target and the alpha/beta target is great but I agree plocks per step would/will unlock the elegance contained even further, save on midi controlling too…
I can’t say how much I love this whole machine, it’s grown and matured and I’ve enjoyed the ride so far (no pun😜).
Great colour too :wink::nerd_face:

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Random for panning hi hats and and pitch on the bottle give alot of variety. But I agree if it gets p locks there would be no need to sequence from OT. I’d like to be more hands on with it.
Then a few more experimental sounds with extreme settings this would be pretty complete.

Oh, and tempo sub divisions.

And reverb.



Although I’m feeding into OT on a thru and will likely keep it there, bit of Lo Fi, and the buzzy thing I can never remember.


I would definitely love a reverb or delay.

I don’t think we will see fx due to the tipringsleeve biz with the outputs as send/returns…
But they would be welcome!

Sadly only mono though… i like stereo reverbs and delays!

Good point, stereo internal fx please😁

OS7 is out… With parameter locks. :smiley:


Goes a bit Mr.Fingers there when he removes the env from bd :sweat_smile:
Selling almost everything but keeping the DR-2 was a great decision, even before the last couple of updates, still don’t feel it’s depth is really captured in any videos mind.
Let’s keep it secret yeah?:wink::shushing_face:

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Did you buy one of these in the end?

Dang this thing is back on my radar… excited to hear what people do with the parameter locking.

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