New Modor drum machine - DR2

Is the price less than it was before? Also what’s RRP stand for? Pull the trigger, you’ll love it! I kinda want to get it again…

It’s the same but it’s available a bit cheaper now through retailers like Juno. RRP = Recommended Retail Price.

Ugh, I may have to buy this thing. Got bad GAS.


Sending positive vibes to all users.

This drum machine is incredible. I wish I were priced differently. The Perkons looks amazing. This one is amazing.


DR2 is a great drum machine. It is expensive but not if you keep it and avoid the buying and selling go round.


Dieter says delete.

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Signing in for my first time here at Elektronauts. I see remarks about syncing problems on the DR-2 every now and then in this thread, this problem has been solved in upgrade OS004 some time ago.

Anyone having problems or ideas for improvement of our machines, feel free to send us a message! I will also try to check this forum every once in a while from now on.


Welcome @ModorMusic! I am looking forward to one day (hopefully soon) getting my hands on the DR-2. Hopefully someone will be able to provide feedback to make the machine even better. :slight_smile:

More forum more info.


+1 that!

Put a few short examples here, there will be more soon!


I’ll say the new drums are tops, really like the bottle sound. Also, the tilt filter and the shift functions are really quick now to dial in the sound. I’ve been making some weird electro acoustic things with DR2 and Pulsar. Bottle sound with count to 5 pedal on insert was a highlight this evening. My request is for the sequencer to get some love. I sequence from OT but if probability was added to the sequencer it could be really hands on.


Oh, and tempo divisions/ multipliers.


This is of limited value in assessing the DR2 but it does show how it can be tailored to a broad range of mixes. This piece is kind of a sloppy dirge with layers of bits and pieces from soma ether, field recordings all into OT. Pulsar and DR2 are the percussive duo and they are a great pairing, the pulsar is actually doing more synth and hiss stuff here. I have a bottle sound going through ct5 which is nice. I phone recording so the mid range drums are popping a tad. I’ll try to do one of just the new DR2 sounds later. If the sequencer was better I could avoid buying another OT……or could I…

Quite intrigued by this one… Been watching a few videos lately and it seems pretty cool. Looks very hands on in operation, straight forward sequencer but with some nice and clever functions.

Where is the FM drum though? Hehe.


I reviewed the new OS


Hope they make a mini one of these like the synth


I suggested this to Marcel a few months back and he said it was unlikely due to the high costs of redesigning the circuit board for a smaller unit. Maybe someone could kindly offer to design one for free.

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I was very interested in this machine; aswell as the others released just recently. Perkons, the DR-2, Pulsar-23… they are all good imo, in their own ways, but all are too expensive. The Pulsar-23 seems the most musical one, but by GOD i am so bloody tired of all modular stuff with wires and sh*t everywhere…
I decided to drop the thought of a new drum machine. Hey, i already got the Rytm2 and the machinedrum. Plus an Opera Rotas as extra food for thought/sampling material. Plus SSF Entity kick Drum (bd synth module, awesome). And, the decision almost held, but i was sorely tempted by the Twisted Electrons BlastBeats instead, so i got that one. :slight_smile: My plate of drums is pretty full at the moment so even if i WANT a new one, i don´t really need it…
Really like the DR-2 so if it wasn´t for my MD i would probably get one - it seems to fill the same hole soundwise. But the price is also disappointing…

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@Francis I saw your comment on the Perkons thread and thought I’d invite you here to ask what you expect for the sequencer, updates wise, you sound as if you ‘know’ something :face_with_monocle:

Got to say, the DR-2 is just gorgeous and fantastic in so many ways, and the maturity it now shows leaves me speachless, the box is just ready to rock!

Edit, I see above, tempo mult/div and probability… Fingers crossed!