New OTO Mixer - Bébé Chérie

If you click the mute button on a channel, it removes it from the main mix, and sends it to the alt output. You would then run a cable from the alt output to an fx processor, then run the fx back into another channel.


cheers. like the model 1

thanks for sharing

For Trade (EU): Your pink gear for my Manowar records


Johnny come latley’s, Art was ahead of the curve :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


6 mono channels though and 2 stereo without any control.

Uh-oh!, brush script.


This looks cool - although I’m thinking one of the cheaper XONE’s is a much more full featured solution - I’d have liked to have seen this cheaper, or with more features (sidechain compression, i.e. a boum included, add 200eur, thats mega useful).

Have to say I use pink a lot as part of my colour palette but even I find this a bit much visually - it’s a very BOLD design choice. I’d probably respray it tbh.

It’s very tempting either way. I’ve been using the DJ features on my PX5 less recently and using a master channel more on my OT, so something a bit simpler like this wuold be good. Although it doesn’t have a soundcard…

EDIT: Just noticed there’s no FX send, damn that probably rules it out for me personally.

At this price range I’d probably be more tempted by a rotary mixer, but you do get less channels. The TRM-422 is a bit cheaper than the Oto.

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Double whammy.

Who’s the enemy here? I can understand people criticising VAT for being regressive, but that’s hardly an issue with this thing, it’s either a business expense, or a luxury good.

Wow. That is exactly the kind of mixer I for my new DD01/IV. You made my day!

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Off-topic: Woah… that looks great. I hadn’t come across that one yet. Thanks!

On-topic: the pink Oto thing looks great too and immediately got me to join the club of those thinking about selling their Boum.

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Did not know about this. Looks great😊

Tone is super hard to suss out online :smiley:

Thanks, there’s a lot of people who use the “just asking questions” bit to just complain and it can get tiresome, but beyond any snark I did try to give my reasoning in case it was actual curiosity.


That’s really what I’ve been seeing it as.

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I hope the EQs are better than the ones on my BXs.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the sound of them, but I probably wouldn’t if I’d paid £600 for them.

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I think if they just inverted the scheme it would be a lot more… palettable. i.e. a black box with pink text.

Some would call that boring though and I won’t knock them for being bold. I think the issue many folks will have (whether it actually matters or not) is that amongst their other gear it will stand-out like a sore thumb, which is an appropriate analogy :laughing:

Oh yeah, I mean with optional grunge versus the default behavior.

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Really excited to hear what the bliss enhancer has to offer. That and hoping that the compressor is as cool as the boum.


Workaround for those who are not keen on this beautiful color :


I’ll just sharpie on a pig tail an snout on mine :pig_nose: