New OTO Mixer - Bébé Chérie

Great idea! So, you’re getting one?

Hmm not totally sure probably need to actually hear it first but I do love odd minimal mixers… it looks like it will feel right to me.

every time I look at an Omnitronic I really hope they have gotten it all the kinks worked out, sounds like it has popping if you engage the filter or fx send, which I imagine would become pretty annoying, also the fx send is in the post fader style which is really similar to the OTO mute/send aux out style, main difference is it has a return but you will have to make sure your FX return unity signal because there is no return volume control and your FX will need a wet dry mix. Giving up a channel on OTO for a return isn’t so bad given you have 6, I suppose you could even give up 2 if you wanted to split the aux out and do full wet fx and then also a dry signal back, that would allow you to separately EQ you FX, maybe eq bass frequencies back in the delay signal and then keep it present in the dry.


Tbf this is very common - the only mixers I know of with filters that don’t pop when engaged are the XONE:96 and the Model:1 - even the AH pops when you engage the filter - my understanding is it takes some effort to avoid in an analog circuit when you’re re-routing the signal. But I agree I would prefer to see that isolated.

True - it’s not my preferred way of handling it but I did miss that on first read. I make use of my main and booth outs already so that wouldn’t be an option for me either annoyingly :laughing:

It definitely fits a niche though - they’ve made some very intentional decisions about the design I bet it will work well for a lot of people.

More stereo mixers is always a good thing.

Damn! This thing is almost perfect! Why they decided to not include FX send knobs for the 2 stereo channels is beyond me, and is unfortunately, the deal breaker for me anyway. If only the stereo channels could have FX too, this could’ve been the one I’ve been searching for.

modular/ expandable would have been nice

OTO mentioned on their FB post that they may consider a full-size at some point, so if this does well maybe we’ll get more of what we want :slight_smile:

My heart says Bebe Cherie but my brain says Blue Box


My dilemma too.

They are so incredibly different that the use case needs a bit more thought then maybe :wink:
Or, you know, get both


Yeah my Master Sounds mixer has master, booth, rec, and phones and I use them all for various things, but I wouldn’t really get the OTO mixer to replace something and instead to try out new things.

As a side note the Master Sounds also has non clicking switches on its pre/post fader send buttons. I guess not surprising as it is designed by the same guy that did the model:1. I think a lot of the bigger eurorack mixers make a point of having non clicking mute switches also, either through vactrols or soft circuit switching. I could see getting by with a pop hear and there but a consistent pop into a delay line or something would probably drive me a bit batty.

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I’m hoping this is how it works as well. Nice looking mixer, good price, if the alt out can be used like a send then it’s pretty sweet. I’m sure it will sound good.

Agghhhh wish they made this when I was rocking 4 gameboys/GBAs


Maybe some just don’t like the color pink?

I’m indifferent but yeah I would’ve preferred another color if I had to choose.

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That’s a lot of Tetris.

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2 Gameboy advance running nanoloop 2 sequencer / 1 gameboy DMG model running Little sound Dj (lsdj) / 1 Gameboy DMG running nanoloop mono or nanoloop 1.3

Tetris is for chumps ! :sweat_smile: unless it’s super Tetris for snes that was great :+1:


This looks great apart from the lack of aux sends–which seems inexplicable given that OTO makes fx boxes. Using the alt bus and returning on other mixer channels is a crappy solution since apart from wasting channels on a small mixer, there’s no way to control wet/dry mix for each send or control sends pre-fader. Anyone know if the outputs are balanced? I’d hope so. Will probably wait for the Big Bébé.


I suppose the idea would be to use minimal inline fx and control wet/dry on the fx box since it’s really for portable use and ideally would be used with a few devices with fx built in. I agree with you though.

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Glooms you rule dude, send me more tracks you’ve been making if you’ve got some.


Agreed, this makes no sense. Aside from that, love the design and form factor. Excited to hear how it sounds.

Yes very different. But as a total hobbyist it doesn’t matter that much.

With a Bluebox I could record but with a Bebe I can have analog warmth. Unfortunately I can’t really justifying having both.

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