New OTO Mixer - Bébé Chérie

I have all the OTO Machines boxes and love them. However, this is just meh to me. I knew they were in dev’t on a product, but I was hoping they’d release an analog chorus box that could do the likes of the Dimension D, and old Eventide units. Oh well…My wallet thanks them.

FWIW, I think the pink does look good.


If they choose pink to make it stand out and get people talking, it’s working!


Price-wise it is an apples to oranges comparison. The mixer doesn’t have all the digital extras of the other OTO boxes like a screen, probably some sort of a microcontroller to save and recall patches, midi, all of which drive up the price.

And the compressor will sound different to the Boum because it is fixed at a 3:1 ratio, which should be a good general purpose compressor. I’ve used the Boum a couple times now, and I think it sounds great, but I wish there was a lower ratio than 5:1 because it can feel a bit heavy handed at times.


I dont understand their concept of using those connectors too, there is plenty of space on the back of the unit … i doubt many volca users will pay that much for a mixer…


Where does this figure come from? I was under the impression that the ratio on Boum is continually variable from zero up to infinity and then into negative compression. I’m no expert on compressors by any means but have had no trouble getting mild compression from it.
From the OTO website: “The ratio ranges from 1:1 (no compression) to inf. :1 (limiter), but also negative compression up to 1: -1 !
6 different Attack and release times are available for fine tuning.”


They are listed in the manual. The lowest setting is no compression, the second setting is 5:1. I just wish it had a lower setting between the two, like a 2:1 or 3:1.

Yeah, the negative compression is wild. Especially combined with some of the harsher distortions, it can get things sounding disorientingly filthy. EDIT: It can definitely do subtle, too, though :slight_smile:

I wish we had more info about what kind of compressor it is and further details ahhh i must know moreeeee

like if it’s just a fixed attack-release peak comp? that’ll be fine.

if it’s like DBX overeasy variable attack and release? or even RMS?? i would be so pumped to have that on the output

I’m not suggesting that you’re wrong because I really don’t know for sure, but I thought it was continuously adjustable. 1:1 being lowest but with a range before reaching 5:1. It would seem that if ratio was limited to just the few specific values printed in the manual that a rotary switch would have been a better choice than a pot. I am old and my ears are battered but it sounds to me like there’s variation between 1:1 and 5:1?

@Annihilation_Squares Your correct the ratio ranges from 1:1 (no compression) to inf. :1 (limiter)

He also refers to the other Oto machines having digital screens, I wouldn’t really call 2 rows of LEDs a screen.

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He mentioned that he was working on this (while not hinting to what he was making) ages back because he could source all the parts when microcontrollers are (STILL!) incredibly scarce and bought out en masse for years worth of production at a time by megacorps.

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I could be wrong here. It would be pretty slick if OTO had variable ratios, because I’ve never used a compressor that didn’t have fixed ratios. Since it is a one knob compressor, I assumed the threshold was variable, but the ratios were fixed.

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It’s a great move and a smart pivot by OTO. I think this mixer will do very well for them.


It’s not fixed at 1:1 and then 5:1

You can test this by changing the display to show Gain Reduction (Hold Attack for 2 seconds, adjust Data to Led 2).

Depending on the input, you might have to increase your input gain to compare.

What I see is some gain reduction below the 9 O’Clock position and then it increases as the Compressor Pot increases clockwise.


Modular and TE users will be/are very happy.


I notice he has the sockets very close to the top of the unit so maybe there are two boards inside and space limitations forced him into using mini jacks.

Ah, thanks for the tip. I wonder if it was my gain settings, because I was not hearing anything happen below 9 o’clock on that knob.

What, you can’t read morse code?

Were you suggesting that it is a stepping behavior?

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HoldMyBeer, I guess you spilt your beer on your Boum if your only getting 5:1 ratio :joy: