New OTO Mixer - Bébé Chérie

No worries. I think it’s exactly that. The Compressor pot adjusts all 3, Threshold, Ratio and Make-up Gain. So as you increase the pot, I assume it’s also lowering the Threshold.

What makes it difficult is that the only way to increase the input gain is of course to press the In Gain button and then change the Data pot by ear.

I wish they would have made it so you could see gain reduction on the same screen as the In Gain Data level. There is an extra unused row of LEDs, so it should be possible.

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I’ve gotta be honest, I don’t even know what I’m talking about anymore.

Don’t temp me! The ratio gears might just need to be greased with a nice stout!

Yeah, that would’ve been a useful addition for sure.


Cost production - cheap is the trend, a sexy color should make you forget it :wink:, and space you see on the back doesn’t mean there is place inside for the 1/4 size connectors.


Does anyone have the Midiman Micromixer 18? I’ve been looking for one for a reasonable price for a while but ended up settling for a Mixim 10.

It’s on the website…with a link to the manual…and a (new)release date…


I like the look.

Definitely tempting, already have a small form factor mixer (Bluebox), don’t think this will take its place, but it’s quite sexy.

Possible advantages of the Bebe over the Bluebox (just guesses):

  • sound quality
  • more hands on controls
  • not USB powered
  • has a power switch :slight_smile:
  • looks (IMO)

Bluebox advantages:

  • way more routing options
  • more outs
  • more effects
  • deeper in general
  • can record/multitrack directly to SD


  • already got the dumb 1/8 cables thanks to the Bluebox

One main advantage to me is the full analog circuitry vs digital on the Bluebox. The drawback is the lack of rooting options, but for minimal compact analog setups that could be a dream !


Might end up getting this. Gives just enough control and is compact. Have been using fx connected directly to instruments lately rather than as send fx. And with positive results. I love the limitation and focus of that workflow.

The tilt EQ knob’s behavior seems a bit counter intuitive for me though. I expected it to work exactly the opposite way. Turn right to boost lows and attenuate highs. If you visualize the tilt curve this makes more sense. Not a big deal though.


I understand this, it totally makes sense to me.
The design described on the manual reflects the engineering: by turning counterclockwise, you decrease the frequency of both the low-shelf and hi-shelf filters, thus decreasing the bass.
Whereas the other way makes more sense for a musician:

  • bass are usually represented on the left
  • if you have a fader for sculpting bass, you’d want to get on the left side to have more bass
  • as it’s a pot, you’d want to turn it counterclockwise to get more bass

IMO, Science shouldn’t get in the way of UX indeed :tongue:

Edit: my bad, they got it right: I misread the manual.


I’d agree with you if it was a LP and HP filter. Yet for some reason for a tilt EQ my brain expects the other way around. If you look at the curves, clockwise you would be turning down the hi frequencies and thus boosting lows. Counter clockwise you would be turning down the lows and thus boosting the highs.


Edit: must say the more I think of it the more I’m changing my mind though haha


The frequency is centered and stays the same by the way. But maybe I’m misinterpreting what you mean

No, it’s me, I actually misread the manual.

From the manual:

Tilt pot frequency response (channels 1 to 4)
Center frequency : 700 Hz
Min position : +15 dB @ 50 Hz / -11 dB @ 13 kHz
Max position : -15 dB @ 50 Hz / +11 dB @ 13 kHz

This means for min position you get more bass (+15dB) and less high frequencies (11dB).
So I have to come back on what I said above: instead of going for the engineer solution, they got the UX right in my humble opinion.

I wasn’t clear: I was talking about the tilt pot frequency response.
Way I understand it, the pot has an action on the mix between a low-shelf and high-shelf filter.
The frequency I was talking about is the apparent boosted frequency range resulting from this mix.

Full counterclockwise, it’s like you have 100% HS filter, 0% LS, thus bass frequencies are boosted, which is exactly what I would expect.


Ah yeah if you talk about frequency response it makes a bit more sense but still. For example it’s different than a LP and HP where the frequency is changed. In that case it makes total sense to me because you are shifting the cut off frequency. To the left LP, to the right HP.

In this case it’s a centered frequency and works in a tilt manner. If you look at it like scales or a seesaw: the weight is shifted to right which lowers the high frequencies and boosts the lows etc. Thus clockwise will boost lows and lower highs :wink:

Not sure if I’d say one is the engineers solution and the other the musicians solution. Probably just a difference in how different people visualize things.

In any case it’s not something that would create a brain error when using it in any case.

With a graphic :

That’s the way I see this, at least.
More weight in the bass when you turn the pot counterclockwise is IMO what the “musician” will expect (as in don’t care too much how this is implemented in reality).
I’m all for this ^^

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Haha I don’t care either but it’s fun to talkl about this nonsense nonetheless :smiley:

Maybe it’s because I use (DJ) mixers a lot live. Turning the pot to the left cuts the bass with EQs. Which is basically the EQ band used the most. So as a “musician”, I think turning counter clock wise should cut bass :wink:

Looks cool. Bummer there’s no midi jack though. I bet it’s gonna sound real dope though. If I didn’t already have the TX-6 this might actually be a contender. That said I do have the other Oto stuff and I trust this thing will sound great.

Aren’t the tilt EQs on the syntrx set up with left turn boosts bass and right turn boosts highs? Always felt natural to me. I guess in my brain I always pictured it like controlling a bandpass.


Yeah that’s true. I think my brain has a bit of an off day. I blame my daughter for waking up at 6 (really own fault for going to bed late of course).

Really looking forward to demos of this mixer.


This is exactly like debating vertical tilt axis on game controllers (inverted all the way! But not inverted horizontal axis, which is super illogical but still thé way)