New OTO Mixer - Bébé Chérie

At first glance I thought this was Admiral Ackbar.



What is that ghostly looking thing? Or should I be scared to ask?


Yeah, damn $780 is a lot. Lets see what pricing Bastl’s is. If it can take 4 or more stereo ins, it easily could be a legit summing mixer alternative.

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This is not a digital device, analog only baybee.


I’m not sure, have tried figuring it out. Looks like a snail, then it looks like a hand, but what’s that thing growing out of it?

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Let’s say a hand fingering something juicy.


Is that a picture that Oto released themselves?
I don’t understand it. :slight_smile:

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Let’s say it, it’s a penis cuming.


Nah, Elevator Sound do this every week, it’s brilliant stuff.


must be some kind of alien penis


I don’t mind or care the graphics, the price scared me more…lol. This thing has to be insanely good now to live up to expectations.


I recently bought a Boum with the intention of using as a distortion insert. But it sounds so great that now it just lives on the master bus with milder saturation and compression.

The Bebe Cherie is appealing because I will probably get the warm analog compression sound that I’m hooked on but can use the Boum for more destructive purposes.

I have a feeling it’s going to sound great. Might even pre-order it.


What’s so crazy about all of this is that for $75 you can buy something like this:

So the question is, is this really $700 better than this Hart Mixer?


Or will it sound better than the Season Road Warrior Mackie:


My guess is that you are paying for the miniaturized form factor while maintaining quality, and for the compressor or whatever it is that’s in the Bebe Cherie. The Maker Hart one has a reputation for being noisy, and the VLZ is quite a bit bigger and lacks a compressor. It’s also a significantly smaller company, so they don’t have the purchasing power or manufacturing capability of Mackie.


OTO goes very far to get to a specific sound and sound quality. The boum was postponed multiple times because it wasn’t quite there yet. It’s up to you if that kind of craftsmanship is worth the extra cash or that you rather go for a throw away mini mixer. :man_shrugging: you get what you pay for in most cases.

Mackies are different. In size, but also in concept. And indeed it’s a big company. Much higher production numbers. So obviously it will be much cheaper.

The discussion about prices is a bit moot. The price is there for a reason. even if it’s not, it is not like we are entitled to it being cheaper.


I’m not acting entitled. I’m merely showing the spectrum of what’s out there. I gladly pay for the hardware i want and need for my workflow.

They can price the unit however they like and i wish them success with it. I am sure they will sell out of their first run since they are a boutique brand.


Yep. I totally get all that. It’s the reason the TX-6 is priced so high. I wish them the best on the unit cause this space is deserving of these type of great little mixers.

I’m just trying to find the ideal one which is somewhere between this one and the TX-6. I really need Audio over USB since i have a hybrid setup.

My ZoomH6 just doesn’t cut it and i hate the form factor of my TC-Helicon Blender and the cheap plastic feel of it. I fear packing it in backpack as it would probably break.

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Wasn’t meant as a stab to you personally. Sorry if it came across that way. :slight_smile:


All good. :pray:t3:

I can’t wait to see what other mixers in this form factor appear in 2023. If someone releases one like this with Audio over USB and is multi channel I’m all in.

I can get the TX-6 for a good deal thru a friend but it’s still too small for me from when i tested it out at Perfect Circuit.

TE made a statement with the TX-6. I just want another company to take that statement and make it truly useful (1010 music I’m looking at you) to people with big fingers :crazy_face:

I have Man Hands. There. I said it.