New OTO Mixer - Bébé Chérie


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if you can’t tell the difference, don’t care about how they’re built, don’t need the specific feature set of course you won’t get this.

No need to extrapolate based on what you use/want as if anyone’s suggesting you need to buy something you neither need nor want.

Is someone not already aware of Mackie mixers, bazaar goods or Behringer going to stumble across a boutique French offering?

I don’t think anyone’s arguing with you on the benefit of using the least you need or suggesting this over anything cheaper!

Who cares what exists outside of anyone’s price point, really :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for clearing that up for me. :no_mouth:


In case anyone is wondering, that Maker Hart mixer linked by @echo_opera is a glorious piece of shit. It is definitely noisy and the headroom is just a joke. That being said it distorts in a very pleasing way and if you want to use a cheap hammer to uglify any one sound source beyond recognition or squash together multiple sources in the most brutal way possible the LOOP can go above and beyond. It’s fantastic for no input shenanigans and the perfect companion for harsh noise adventures. But one should steer well clear if they want a mixer that sounds ‘good’ and is usable in a traditional sense.


I await the new Bastl Mixer pricing and release. I love those guys, they have made some awesome stuff. Of course I love OTO as well, but $800 may be pushing it for me.


I have 2 Maker Hart’s Just mixers, awesome for PO’s and driving them a little doesn’t hurt. If fidelity is a concern, I always reach for Bluebox or tx-6. I bet this OTO is pretty clean and worthy of the price tag though.

I don’t know how I’ve gone all these years and never heard of the BX series. What a beautiful little mixer.

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How does that mixer sound when the gain is cranked?

Squints in ugly sound

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I seem to remember you don’t like the k-mix, but I can’t remember why?

The weird pads and color aesthetic mostly. And i want knobs and faders.

The lack of proper knobs is a pain, although you can hook up another box to midi-control them, and defeat the whole point of a super-compact mixer :upside_down_face:

Yeah. The TX-6 is perfect on paper, just not suited to my fingers.

I’m not sure the ‘perfect’ mixer is out there. Like the ‘perfect’ drum machine or synth. It doesn’t exist. Everything is a compromise between cost, labour, parts, size etc.
I’m not having a go, but some of the best stuff ever recorded was made and mixed on a whole lot more compromised gear. In fact many think that special sauce exists in the gaps between…


I hope the message came through that I really like that little thing. It does get dirty and ugly but in a way that I really dig!

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Squinting against my better judgment, having to slap my hand to avoid doing a deep dive on yet another character device.


this is 100% true and real, their just S mixer is angelic thru to demonic

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I love OTO and have all their boxes. I just wish they would have released an all-analog chorus box to go along with their other boxes instead of this mixer. I do hope they sell a lot of them regardless. the pink is nice.

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I wish it had pan function at least on channel 1-4 when used as mono…

He has a swath of cool ideas, he picked the mixer instead of what he wanted to release because his new plans got shelved and he wanted something cool where the parts are not consistently out of stock and requiring no precious microcontrollers.