New Synth: Roland Sh-4d

I saw that on their site today and then 30 minutes later got an in stock notice from my rep…phew.

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Among friends


its supposed to be a new filter design I think

The Thomann rep said they’ll be in stock end of March but I think I ordered a week or two ago so might be different for me

It’s not, apparently

Hey, I received the sh-4d yesterday and I’m loving it.

The one issue I have now is that all presets are very quiet by default, when editing the sound through shift + 6 (Tone) the level seems to be set between 30 and 40 for all presets (max is 127).

Amp level on the front panel an main volume been set to max and still very quiet. When using the level in the tone edit then I get nice volume but it’s baked on the presets so not very useful.

Anybody else having this issue?

One simple workaround I just found to presets being to quiet is to use system EQ’s In Gain to get more volumen hopefully without colouring the sound or adding any noise ( it doesn’t to my ears).

Is there any way of settling the keyrange for each part?

I did RTFM but couldn’t see anything obvious.

Not that I can see


Hope Roland considers it in firmware updates.

I’ve created a template (backup/restore file) that will make the SH-4d behave more like a groovebox when saving Patterns.

For the first 32 patterns, I’ve saved (and pre-mapped) an INIT preset for each Tone Part 1-4, as well as a default TR-909 Rhythm Kit.

You can now select a pattern (01-32), create your synth and drum parts, and then save the Pattern (using OVERWRITE) and, if you’re designing your own sounds while creating patterns, there’s now no need to rename everything as I’ve already done it for you!

The remaining 96 patterns have been left empty, so you can use these for saving pattern variations when creating a song or a live set. There are also 128 free user tone slots and 32 free user rhythm kits available, so you can still save patches/kits separately as normal should you wish.

To use the template, extract the file and then follow the instructions in the manual for restoring the SH-4d. Please make sure you complete the backup process before using the restore file (to back up your current patterns/patches/kits).

Please note, the SH-4d will always ask you to resave any factory presets that you use in your patterns into a user slot. In this case, you can still use the overwrite function but you will be forced to save/rename the patch.

While I hope Roland releases an update to allow the saving of sounds within the patterns, I think this template will solve one of the major issues with the SH-4d. Hope you enjoy! :slightly_smiling_face:

An example, of the naming convention used for patterns/tones/kits is shown below:


PATT 01 > PART 01
PATT 01 > PART 02
PATT 01 > PART 03
PATT 01 > PART 04


PATT 02 > PART 01
PATT 02 > PART 02
PATT 02 > PART 03
PATT 02 > PART 04

…all the way up to PATTERN 32

Other things I’ve changed in the template include:

  1. Delay send had been set to dotted 1/8 (default was 1/4T)
  2. MFX has been preset to SuperFilter (default was Thru)
  3. The default volumes of the TR-909 kit have been better matched
  4. As there is currently no metronome, a 4/4 kick pattern has been added to the Rhythm track to assist with timing when recording Tone parts.

You can download the template file from my SynthGroups page:


I love making all sorts of defaults for my gear…will check this out when I get my unit hopefully by Friday…thanks so much for your hard work!


Yeah I like to do it, but it can often take a while! :sweat_smile:

Here’s a video showing the template…



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I will try your template tonight, looks very useful, thanks!

One thing I would like to point out though with the standard workflow is that you don’t really need to rename every part’s sound, you can use the original name just press enter.

They can have same name since they will be save in a user slot and the original patch won’t be overridden.

This is still a bit annoying but much better than having to rename each.

Yes this is true, but it means pressing enter 7 times to save a pattern (which is reduced to once with the template), plus after 3 days I’d created about 15 patterns and ended up with 60 user patches all with the same name!

Your template looks like the best solution for sure.

7 enter is annoying but seven renaming is way worst that’s why I wanted to point it out for people that doesn’t own it yet.

I just heard that you have to rename it in pretty much every other video I saw and it’s incorrect.

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Actually I think you have to press enter 14 times, once to write and once to confirm name, for each of the 4 parts, drum kit and pattern. It’s actually ridiculous!! :joy:

Actually, I think the manual is misleading. Thanks @Stickhit for pointing out what it says in the manual. You can set each drum to OUTPUT ASSIGN: DRY or MFX in the drum’s TONE menu. But what REALLY happens is: DRY or TONE EFFEKT. So when you select DRY, the Tone Effect is bypassed, per drum, and that drum is being mixed after the Tone Effect, and then the drum kit mix will hit the MFX mix (along with the rest of the master mix). The master effect. If the MFX is OFF, you’ll just hear the dry, sound with no Tone effect or MFX. If the MFX is ON you will hear the dry drum with the MFX. So the DRY option will NOT mix the drum after the MFX layer, which would actually be kinda weird.

I think internally they call the Tone effect an MFX effect, and the master effect also an MFX effect. Maybe that’s why it was kinda misleading.