New Synth: Roland Sh-4d

Sorry, Elektron hasn’t implemented that for slices. Gotta pay for drivers or buy another device for that.

Unfortunately setting the send fx the same on each pattern doesn’t solve this issue. I made a video (unlisted at the moment) to demonstrate.

The reverb send FX was set the same in all three patterns.

First I play two identical patterns. As you will hear, the sound isn’t sent to the reverb the first time the new pattern plays, but is only sent to reverb the second time.

I then show changing to an empty pattern which has the same send FX applied. Same problem as above when changing back to the original pattern, but also you can hear the reverb quickly fade when it changes to the empty pattern.

This makes using Send FX when switching patterns unusable in most use cases


Oddly enough, I can send audio over usb from the Jupiter XM to the Maschine+ over usb even though it’s not class compliant. I haven’t tested it with an MPC.

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Probably not a good idea by Roland to have pattern based send FX.

The MC-707 has system send FX which seem not to cut off.

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Thanks, that’s great info! I’ll have to try USBing my XM to the Tascam Model 16 and MPC Live, and see what happens.

Yeah, it’s really not great.

I just created a pattern using the Juno chorus as a send FX and it actually plays the first note without any chorus on each pattern change. Kind of defeats the object of even having chorus as a send effect.

I’m wondering if this is something Roland can improve in the firmware

I think you’re right. I’ve also had some weird stuff going on where overall pattern sync/bpm gets glitched out for a bit when pushing the unit really hard.

Also motion recording on any of the synths sounds like a jumbled mess while you are recording. Fine afterwords which kind of makes it hard to hear what you’re doing. I feel like there still a decent amount of bugs to iron out on this thing.

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My Gear4Music order arrived earlier this week. My initial impressions are great. Feels nicely built and solid. The presets are mostly excellent and actually musically usable, unlike recent gear I’ve bought (Typhon I’m looking at you)

Still wrapping my head around the structure of things, and how patterns relate to presets and how they relate to presets I create or modify. There’s no concept of a project, so even if you don’t intend on using the built-in sequencer I think you still need to create a pattern to hold your work.

Note recording could be improved a little, aside from the lack of metronome and count in. The pretty little animation shown when it’s in record mode is all very nice, but I can’t see which of the 4 pages it’s on at any given time. Silly oversight, should be an easy fix


This is one of the things I find strange about it. If it’s not a groovebox, then why force you to work within patterns.


So many devices seem to have fx tail issues when changing patterns / songs etc
I donot understand how it can get through any qa / device approval unless it’s swiftly fixed with firmware update.

And how is it not mentioned in reviews by professionals / tubers on that rush to hit day1 marketing ( I haven’t checked them lol but I’d be surprised if they mention it )


The only place I’ve seen it mentioned is on this thread, and I’m pretty sure that I’ve watched every SH-4d video on YT at this point.


Got mine here at work. Hooked it up via USB, installed the driver, I can see the INPUTS in the sound settings for W11 and the output are my computer speakers. The volume on the unit is 50%, but I cannot for the life of me hear anything when I hit the keys or play any sequences…I assume I could just hear the thing through my speakers as it looks perfect in Sound setup. Oh well, my boss is here so need to work on this later.

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Is this fx hangover something the mc101 suffers from?

Or launched with which was later fixed?

Played with mine here at the office. Really enjoyed designing sounds on it…for such a samll footprint, it works. I’m only going to use it as a sound module so some of the issues aren’t a big deal to me…yet.

I really think that’s its intent. It’s not a groovebox.


Sequenced it at home with my digitone. Using lots of LFOs and other modulation and got some great drone and ambient sounds with the pairing. They are fun to jam with together.

Mine got here today, still haven’t opened it. Excited to experience THE HONEYMOON period.


Ok this thing is a home run. HONEYMOON ACTIVATED.

How do the two knobs under the screen feel for those that have one? Those two knobs feel looser and have a little bit of wiggle to them compared to all the others knobs on mine.


The MC-101/707 have a very different overall design. The send effects are at the project level above the patterns, and the patterns or clips are designed to be quickly switched between, chained etc.
And most of the time the clips in a track share the same sounds or tones.

Because the 101 and 707 were designed as grooveboxes, and this wasn’t. It’s a synth that just happens to have a simple sequencer. People need to stop forcing this to be something it isn’t


I think the problem is that it’s been designed with a groovebox workflow. Everything exists within a pattern, tones are loaded into a pattern, it has pattern based reverb etc. Usually synths save the pattern with the patch, not the other way around. It’s a bit confused as to what it is IMO.