New Teenage Engineering products

Yeah, I lol’d when I saw that


Interesting. If the ambient thingy actually is designed for translational music generation, then i’d be truly impressed.

IMHO what alienates at least me is the bombastic marketing around it. Magical device. There is nothing magical.

Its a very stunning bluetooth speaker that might sound amazing.

But all the gimmicks: the metronome, the tantra chants, common

Apart from the design and possible sound quality, the most intriguing feature is the ambient thing. That and the looping feature, without sound out are absolutely useless.

Again as a high end bluetooth design objet I love it :slight_smile:

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Another new product, a Street Fighter car!

Also something about Capcom themed PO-33 and PO-28s


That’s more like it.

Now if they released an OB4 with a YM2612 chip in it that could only play Guile’s Theme on an endless loop I’d be very interested.


Damn, I had just sampled Dhalsim in my latest track on the DT.

Oh well…

Street Fighter happening to be one of my classics and the PO-33 my favourite PO it is almost too tempting.

I thought they missed the mark with Ricky and Morty sounds…

Street Fighter and Mega Man…that’s much more like it :space_invader:

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Definitely the coolest themed PO so far, by far, not too bad renditions of Mega Man 2 themes either, might have to cop this one being the Mega Man 2 fan that I am.


I wish they’d clarify whether or not you can use the Street Fighter one for commercial music purposes. My guess is that they licensed it as a toy with Capcom with no sample clearing.

Imagine a bunch of people getting their first copyright strikes or demonetization for posting a song made with it.

Once again, game streamers seem to continue to get a pass while musicians get hounded for sample clearance on even the smallest channels.


Just popped up in my feed…:face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Oh, those algorithms!! (And that Marketing Department!)

“A Mini Masterpiece” ???
Along with their “Modern Classic” 170 Shitter Asda sweatshirt! (Nothing wrong with Adsa by the way. They have fine selection of craft beers!)
Just sayin’…

Those promo pics are so dark, I’m getting flashbacks to the battle for winterfell.


Things changed, I feel that TE thinks they are a premium brand now.

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Like suspected, the PO-133 is immediate fun.

I used to spend days and nights on Street Fighter 2 on ATARI and later on SNES so it really takes me back.

I feel like it is only a matter of time until I sample everything I want in it and put it on the side for good until my son grows up and finds it…

So unless you are a SF fan it isnt much appealing, you can always add a SF sound easily to anything with any sampler and achieve the exact same thing.

Isn’t the po-133 just a po33 with streetfighter samples in it?

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Admittedly despite all the horrible marketing tactics and gimmicks with the product. I am genuinely interested in the ambient thingy. At least to see it and hear it in the wild.

After 6 weeks since the launch where everything sold out within minutes. I have searched on twitter, fb, instagram and yt, and there is almost nothing. Just 1 or 2 persons, which makes me think there were almost no units at launch. Tactic to measure demand?

I think it’s a kool product I even see as a unique instrument but where’s the audio out!!! I’ll have to mic it if I wanted to record a performance on it. That could be cool as well but a little too expensive for me.

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This kinda weird article (in Swedish) presents TE as a company that makes synths for ‘the people’ and also claims that one of their latest ‘models’ has sold 500 000 units…!

I’m wondering what product that might be?

My guess would be on of the cheaper Pocket Calculators. But probably sold as a fashion-accessory, rather than a music instrument.

I think it’s a good thing, if they end up being used. But if they just end up collecting dust like that fuji instax camera, the usb turntable, the weird selfhelp book and the inflatable cactus. Then I’m not so sure it’s a success :slight_smile:



I guess 500k on all the POs in history.

I guess Op-1 like 20k and Op-Z like 5-10k