New Teenage Engineering products

:heavy_check_mark: Love TE
:heavy_check_mark: Love Japanese-style beers
:heavy_multiplication_x: In Sweden


Oh no, it’s the fun police!


You can drink it, while you fiddle with an 2000€ op-1 field and think it‘s worth it, while your bended op-z sadly is not working any longer. It cost only 550€, not made for eternity.

Officer McExpensivo is on duty also :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I don‘t like this Company. Bad Vibes if you ask me.

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Indeed, the essence of beer.


Well, they are definitely making sure they are not just thought of as a ‘synth’ company…rebranding existing cheap record players and now beer- very strange direction if you ask me, I can’t say I get it.

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I mean the can design is pretty tight not gonna lie. Big machinedrum/monomachine vibes from that.


I call it lifestyle branding. Set the main product. Get your client base - well heeled hobbyists/musos . Branch out into merch at premium prices.
It becomes a statement of wealth at some point.

Edit: The portability of it all, including the OB4 is about al fresco party/picnic (remember the OB-4 teaser image?). What is a picnic without beer?

Next product: TE cucumber sandwiches with LED labels :wink: You heard it here first, folks.

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I don’t know, it’d be awesome to have my companies logo on a beer collaboration. I mean c’mon, think about it, it’s beer! Not to mention, I’d drink less, one of the cans goes on the shelf!


Agreed! As soon as we saw this we were like, “Damn, should we get our branding on a batch?” :laughing: :beers:

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It’s straight up performance art at this point.

I’m just not sure if we’re the audience or part of the exhibit.

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It’s a lifestyle brand. Nothing really new about the concept. Plenty of other fodder in the world to feel outrage over but it’s a synth forum so what would one expect…

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My opz still works good…
I don’t really use it anymore though out of resentment of this company.

I agree, nothing new with a beer collaboration. I live in Chicago, and there are tons of breweries and I see a lot collaboration’s. Often with other breweries and restaurants, but also with brands, organizations, etc. I mean at this point, if you’re not collaborating with a beer company, what is your brand even doing?

Also, if I remember correctly, I think Chase Bliss did a beer collab a couple months ago. They did a “Mood” beer, but I don’t recall what brewery they did it with. Probably up in Minnesota where they are located.

I’m doing a collaboration right now with the guy in the alley. It’s bathtub gin, but with a twist. I can’t tell you what the twist is though, you’ll just have to try it. That’s good marketing right there.


You’re adding reverb and delay to the botanicals?

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Oh that’s good, I might have to add that to next batch. We’ll get you in on a three way collab.


Say no more, I’m in. Sounds like a safe and lucrative venture. I mean, it’s in a alley. So yeah.


Of course, this is a top tier operation we have here.

Not to change the subject, but does anyone know why bathtub gin might cause blindness? Asking for a friend.

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I have heard it can cause temporary blindness that is permanent. Maybe need better lighting, alleys can be dark?

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Yeah, probably just need a better light bulb, thanks.

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