New Teenage Engineering products

they are really, really cute though - and sold

any hints on demons of that ilk?

(maybe i should just put a ploytec pl2 with the speech firmware in one of those pepper grinders, carve out some eye sockets and be done with it :sweat_smile:)

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“You’re contributing to the downfall of society” usually sums it up nicely.

On topic, I think these are adorable and tried to get one or two over Christmas last year, but they sold out too quickly. Imagine each year collecting a new one and setting them out on the mantle with other decorations so that the choir grows every holiday you’re able to spend together. I think it’s very beautiful. And allows me to share my passion with my family better than a collection of ceramic angels or whatever.



In more seriousness the move away from people being aloud to be critical of things has seemed strange to me, there is always a balance but positivity only is often just as destructive as being overly critical.

I kinda like them in principle - it’s a fun idea, albeit something I can’t imagine using more than a handful of times.

The main issue is that they seem a bit rubbish. There are some pretty killer voice plugins these days so something that sounds like a mode on a 1990’s Casio keyboard is a bit underwhelming.

Still not as bad as that useless record maker that they re-badged, I think that was the shark jumping moment :slight_smile:


It has to be a joke. It sounds worst than the preset choir that was between the helicopter and the drop sound on Casio synth from 1986.

Although i thought the OP-1 field was a joke in its pricing and people are still buying it so why not…

Wait… what?

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I see what you doing there.

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That was so bad that I have completely forgot about it. Lol Jesus, now I’m running it back through my mind. Seemed like some shit I made up in my head, nope, that happened, and it sold out!


“Critical” implies critique. That is, a careful constructive (or deconstructive) analysis of a thing from a background of deep knowledge. I welcome criticism. I wish there was much more of it.

But it would seem to require, at a bare minimum, experience with the product. Who here has used any of these? No one? Then what you’re doing is merely sharing your feelings.

Some problems with that:

  1. I love you all, but am genuinely uninterested in how you feel about pretty much anything. And it’s generally hard to care about the feelings of anyone you don’t know well, so I imagine a lot of people share my disinterest.

  2. If venting your spleen makes you feel better about yourself (i.e. if dunking feels good) that’s a pretty bad sign for your health as a person. If you have so few positive things that make you feel good about yourself that the cheep (and transitory) thrill of putting down someone else actually lifts you up — well take this as an intervention!

    The dunking you are addicted to is just a poor facsimile of what it actually feels like to feel good about yourself. And a surprisingly good way to learn how to feel good about yourself for reals is to practice looking for it by doing the work to see the positives in other things around you. You are what you give your time and attention to.

  3. Feelings over substance is what makes us into Gearspace. It’d be cool if we didn’t do that.


$68.67 still available to this day, and how much was the rebranded version of the sold out brand in question?

let’s call a duck a duck when there is sufficient evidence to support the claim. but arguing about ducks is not productive for anyone involved.

This is not the gnarspace and it’s better that way.

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My self esteem is pretty low right now so I’m gonna stop reading here and cash this in at the bank



It’s a product, not a person. I get what you’re saying about it being a sign of bad mental health if your sole joy in life is making fun of individual people on the internet, but TE is a company (that I’ve also purchased from several times)

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I mean what don’t you understand? you’re obviously contributing to the downfall of society and he’s not. Or so he thinks! MU HA HA HA

Yup, you in particular, @natehorn. I sub your youtube and have loved pretty much everything you’ve posted there. Your jamuary kicked major ass! Definitely an accomplishment to feel proud of!

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Sure, making fun of a company may have a less direct negative impact (though TE is not as big as you think, and making fun of them translates quickly to making fun of individuals).

But more importantly from a mental health perspective: your brain doesn’t know the difference between looking for something to hate in a company/product vs. looking for something to hate in a person — or yourself. Same neural pathways. Same habits getting made.

So just saying, if your habit when seeing a new device is to ask “How stupid is this?” check that it’s not also your habit when meeting someone new. Or looking in the mirror. Because that would be bad.


To play devils advocate you could really say pretty much the same about blind positivity, it promotes people to over indulge, over spend, consumer sickness… usually leads people to a dark place.

You gotta know how to check yourself in both directions, generally nothing wrong with a little dunking on a product as long as you aren’t actually getting angry about it or trying to put people down who enjoy it. That goes both ways though if you are reading a forum and some people are dunking on something don’t take it to heart you aren’t the products you use.

Personally I think the CH-8 Choir is like a fun art project but also for the money I would much rather go out and support a local artist.



I’m totally into the new range of bags. This one especially: