New Teenage Engineering products

I don’t understand why someone who has a TX-6 would buy this, I mean you can already record the mixer out to usb-c flash drives, so what’s the point, beside some analog feel emulation ?


there does seem to be overlaps with all their field devices so far, but i think they might be aware that not everyone will be able to have multiple field devices, so each field device seems to have a primary function or use case and then secondary added functions. I also think thats why they all function as usb audio interfaces aswell

I have a TX-6 but its disk recording is limited and quite clearly a secondary added function, whereas if the TP-7 multitrack records (it really all comes down to that) along with its other recording features it will primarily be used as a dedicated recorder, probs with other secondary functions added aswell

I dont think im willing to have more then one field device, and i think a dedicated multitrack recorder would be more useful to me then trying to use the TX-6 as a proper recording device, which it isnt. Its very useful for other things though so im hoping some of its features are included in the TP-7 too

Bring back the Mini-Disc. Still amazed they never took off here in the U.S. given the fact that you could record like a tape, and replay like a cd long before recordable cd’s found there way to the market. Circuit City even had a Mini-Disc section that sold new releases.


Im hoping its primary purpose is for actual outdoor field recording for sounds and samples rather then a hard disk recorder for instruments

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Or gyros. Really small TE gyros for 300 euros each. Perfect for dinner parties on the TE table.

Yeah I still think mini-disc is awesome but it was really expensive when it first came out and took perhaps a little too long to break in prices with 250 USD being like the cheaper side of nice portable players and going all the way up to 750 USD… by the time the ipod and other portable mp3 players came around it was hard for it to get a footing. I think ATRAC was techincally better than mp3 for a while and the later minidiscs did lossless also but yeah ipod really did it in.


If they stick to drawings in the manual as Son Wu mentioned then it will have a mini-cassette. How about analog mini-cassette and 32bit recording at the same time? You get all the analog wow and flutter if you want or just take the pristine digital recording. That would actually be a novelty.

Would be interesting if it was a small replaceable tape loop that it records to and then immediately reads from to record to digital to get authentic wow/flutter, and they could sell different types of physical tape loops to use?

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If they’re not doing it we should!

i think the point of the drawing in the manual is to instead make it look as non-TE like as possible by using generic portable tape recorder design instead of what they did with the CM-15, becuase if they showed it how it actually look it would give it away far too easily that it would be there next product.

Im 98% sure their recorder wont have mini cassettes or any analog recording parts at all.

We already know it will actually have the same enclosure as the TX-6 and CM-15


Maybe it’s a bluetooth recorder

You’re right…

I guess the OP-Z in the instruction manual doesnt look a little diff and a repeat of the field OP scenario

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I agree with you, now I’m quite curious about the side that isn’t shown in those drawings, what does it look like ? And what is that weird looking switch on the right side ? There is also mention of an antenna in other documents, for what, bluetooth ?

if you mean the front side, thats what we are not sure about; someone on op forums figured out there was very few button protrusions from the top and side view so interface may be mostly screen or flat dials…

for the right side with the paddle theres been speculation that it will be used as tape transport forward/rewind/tape wobble type control

i think the antenna is definitely for a bluetooth function, would be really cool if it had a radio function aswell

we will have to wait nd see to find out for sure though


I agree, the pedal could be tape control…a & b buttons for the two sides of the tape maybe.
Still hoping the OP-Z field will be there soon. Stereo sampling & resampling included…


It will have proprietary mini cassettes, which will be available to buy in their web store for the first few weeks, until everyone has made their instagram jams, then the tapes will be discontinued. :laughing:





Love it.


Not the tape machine we were hoping for.