#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Good idea. I’ve been thinking of unsubscribing to all the mailing lists I’m on. Gonna definitely do that now.

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Happy new year everybody. I have followed this thread with interest because I hate the way people are consumers nowadays. Me included. Be happy with what you have. That is how I have to think this moment… but that is hard for everyone, myself included. I have encountered some circumstances recently and I can’t think of a good reason to buy new things…

I am not saying I am not buying new things. But I am gonna think twice… three, four times before I buy something new…

Interesting thread. Keep it coming. With every post we are getting stronger


I’m still waiting for the UDO.

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That’s part of what makes me feel complete! Hope it shows up for you soon.

The newest update delivered on a lot of promises and made some great improvements. You can now control the panning in non-binaural mode.

Still loving mine in the short times I get to play it currently.

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It can be hard for someone to understand the inner turmoil GAS can cause especially if things on the outside are okay (i.e. your finances are in order). My partner initially said the same thing (almost the exact same thing actually) but when I talked through my reasons she was able to understand and has been really helpful since then.

On my end, I upgraded Ableton a few days ago, which I had been meaning to do for a while, and feel very well set up for the next year. I need to stay clear of Modulargrid since switching things in and out of my Eurorack system has been one of the main ways this pattern of buying and selling (or selling and then buying) manifests itself.

Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you all strength, purpose, and joy in 2022.


I bought a Bro-1 and it arrived yesterday, so I’m good to go for NoGear 2022 lmao.


Going to join in and commit to this… Although I said the same thing at the beginning of 2021!! lol

Last purchase of the year, RD-9. Which, in my defense, I had pre-ordered months back and it finally shipped lol

I honestly feel content with everything I have and want to focus on getting the most out of my gear. GAS is real. And the more time I spend with what I do have I realize that I’m the engine in this whole thing. I’m the one responsible for making the music.

2022 Let’s focus on making better music!!

Happy New Year everyone!




currently donating to charities instead of buying gear (and also for tax purposes).


I talked with my wife and she understands too. She knows why and supports whatever I need to do to. She also trusts that I’ll make decisions that are best for myself and our family (this works best if I remember to take care of myself too).

This is simply a choice I’m making for myself.
My main reason for doing this is to stop spreading myself so thin. I have a lot of projects to finish, music and otherwise.

This year is for me to get caught up on everything in my life and to be in a position to head toward music related stuff full time.

Another hour to go…it’s still 2021 here.

Anybody know of some good sales going on? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Have you seen that reality show on TV where couples swap partners for a week and they video the sh!t show that is the difference of the usual dynamics…?

I think we should enter…:rofl:

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Sneaked in a digitone before the cutoff :sunglasses:

Good luck everyone :rofl:


Happy new year everyone! I actually sold some stuff yesterday. This year will just use the Force and the Digibrothers.


Lets go!


Good luck. You can do it Adam!


What is this alternate universe you live in!


Good luck everyone.

Sadly, I can’t commit. I’ve been shrinking down and hardly bought anything in 2021 so admittedly my setup feels a bit bare bones.

HOWEVER!! I will join in spirit and pledge to think long and hard before I purchase anything new (pretty much already doing this) AND (this is a big one for me) save up slowly with the intention of becoming mindful of the price of a piece of gear instead of flashing out my card when my mind finally gives the green light.

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Added! :raised_hands:

Should I make at separate thread with the final list, or should we just keep using this one? Maybe with a list in the first post?


I vote for one (this) thread.
Let’s keep it all in one place.