#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Yeah I know you’re from here. It’s weird we don’t know each others personally this being a small town and all.

I moved to Tampere about 20 years ago and returned here last fall bcs I had to stop playing in bands after the accident and since nothing really happened there anyways due to the pandemic.

We met once briefly in Turku at synamiitti, maybe 2016 or 2017 but I was so stoned I wasn’t able to talk to anyone I didn’t already know hehehe.
If you ever get bored when visiting Rauma, stop by for a coffee!


:wave: from the Peninsula

(also SF Bay, just south of SFO Airport)


Well done my friend! Day at a time :pray:


I feel you. StraightAhead Samples is my weakness these days. I’ve already mentally prepped for them releasing some cool stuff this year, and have been reminding myself that it will all still be there and probably cheaper next year. Plus, I’ve barely scratched the surface of what I own, so I definitely don’t need more at the moment.

Good luck!

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Oh man I love Bath, and hope to visit again someday. I only got to spend one day there and down the street in Box a while back. So beautiful. Couldn’t find a health store though, so the drummer was bummed :wink:

I’m in Denton, Texas - a college town north of Dallas.


howdy neighbor! I’m out by Concord


Just checking in to say how positive an influence NGNY and this thread has been for me since I decided to do it in early December. At that point I was thinking “well if I can get an OT that will mean I’m well placed for the year ahead” and through the month, having sold some gear and being able to afford it I just kept reading the posts on here and being inspired to dive more into what I’ve got. Ultimately, I didn’t buy the OT and have even slimmed down my setup to be more focused. Feeling positive!!!

OK, to answer the recent questions - I’m from Auchinleck in Scotland but now live on the ayrshire riviera (and I’m meaning that sarcastically)…

Q1 - honestly, I feel at least competent with everything I have though there is always room to learn more for everything but if pushed, the M8 Tracker has the most depths still to be explored.

Q2 - again, pretty much anything - it’s a long road from competent to expert so I just enjoying digging in to my stuff more…


Representing Amsterdam :sunglasses:


Yeah, it’s very important to hear that others have similar experiences and to help each other with these matters!

This is pretty much the only thread I actively read these days. A few others too of course but not the ones discussing upcoming gear of things of that nature.


You mean you haven’t heard about… oops, sorry.



I know that feeling, I definitely do. Looking at the list of the stuff I have feels totally extravagant. I feel like someone being served the world’s finest smorgasbord and I’m only taking small bites of everything, going ”this tastes kinda good, hey this ain’t bad.” Just an absolute waste.

HOWEVER - and this is the direction I’m leaning towards more -, the flipside of that thought is that I don’t have to eat the whole smorgasbord at once. If I’m lucky, I’ve got a number of years to enjoy that and won’t once have to order for more. A loooong time to enjoy that stuff even if I don’t see myself making IDM when I’m 70.

That analogy feels a bit cringey but that’s me being honest.

Edit: I still don’t think I’ll never buy another synth again. And it’s not that long ago since I bought one. :smiley:


Yes! That analogy is spot on and pretty funny too when you put it that way (very Homer Simpson-esque), it’s the reality of that situation that is very much the definition of cringey.

I hear what you’re saying and would agree, it’s not all just for now.
That being said most of the excess stuff will be available should I ever want to get it back. That’s where I’m at now. I would not sell anything special.

edit. You seem to get really cool music out of the gear you’ve got, on daily.
It’s not exactly like I could say the same of myself at the moment. :slight_smile:

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Currently: Netanya, Israel (dump)
Most of my adult life: Tel Aviv, Israel (amazing, but currently the world’s most expensive city)

Hopefully soon: Somewhere in Western Europe, not terribly cold and not prohibitively expensive.


Q1- MPC Live
Q2- M:S

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Thanks, you’re too kind! I think the only difference between you and I is you’re not posting your music that often. Hope to see you more on the Current sounds thread! :wink:

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I’m planning to be more active with that this year for sure!

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Located in Arnhem NL, it would indeed be nice to see in the first post where everyone is not buying gear this year :slightly_smiling_face:


Minneapolis, MN, US


I’m from a small village by the sea in the south part of Sweden