#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

A Norand mono just came up for sale nearby. I’ve had my eye on this synth for a while. First real test of my will in 2022.


Some places are the worst not because of the material conditions in which people live, but more because of the character (or lack thereof) of its inhabitants.

I would suggest that Leeds earned its place on the list more as a result of the later.


Halifax UK.

No, I don’t live in a bank (although, I do work for them).

A small northern working class town. Most people who live here hate it and can’t wait to leave. Me? I love it. It’s home.


I thought personal attacks weren’t allowed on this forum :fearful:

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In my personal experience, most places are decent to live in if you have plenty of money. Growing up in a council estate in Barnsley I was piss poor. I had a fun time but I was always looking forward to moving away. Now I’m in my 40s I think living in a nice country village in the suburbs of Barnsley would be pretty nice. Reasonable distance to the Peak District, short drive to some big cities, people are generally decent and down to earth. Of course, I can’t go back because there are no jobs there that will pay me a decent wage.


This is a perfect setup.

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I would agree! :slight_smile:

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That’s pretty much my thinking. If I get off the wheel of buy-sell-upgrade and just sit with the pieces I have, over time (i.e. years) I will be able to explore all of them. Even centepiece gear that I consider myself pretty well versed in (A4, SP-16) I’m still using less than 50% of their potential.


This is what I think too. If I go on a mad downsizing and selling mission, more than likely results in another buying mission later. Got to break that cycle too, and better when you have synths ‘in stock’ than when you have none. There will probably be some sales, but not an ‘everything must go’ blitz.


Hiya brexit refugee here from east london now in south france :stuck_out_tongue:

Q1: mc 707 first i wanted to sell it on but now keeping because of its huge sound palette
Q2: mpc live just know the basics, need to jump into the mpc bible again


You make us sound so quaint.

“Where you living now mate?”

“I moved back to Table, just outside of Cupboard Door a few years ago”

“Oh yeah, I know it. Halfway between Shoelace and Seven Hugs, right?”

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@Joebas Phoenix Arizona, U.S.
aka Valley of the Sun.

It’s going to be 71°F today while the majority of the country (except the coasts) are closer to 0 with snow piling on.

It’s opposite land. Winter is the nice time of year here.


Same with FL.

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Then summer….

Florida is probably like laying in a hammock over a boiling pot of water.

Arizona is like an oven on broil and you open the door and immediately shove your head inside.


Apt analogy :slight_smile:

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Ooooh, now I need to visit Seven Hugs. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Haha, I made it up (which I think you got!) but it wouldn’t surprise me if such a place actually exists.

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A1: First answer would be the OT, it’s a deep machine. But I would say my turntable and mixer: I’m a good enough scratcher to please myself and others (even to teach it, to a certain degree) but I’m really far from where I want to be technically.
A2: same as A1.


Yup, this was my street this morning. 71°F sounds like paradise.


No no - THAT looks like paradise. I love snow!