NINA, motorized analog synth from Melbourne Instruments

Have they come up with any price or release info?

I despise when companies show a product before it’s ready. I get that it’s a kickstarter, but don’t show me a product you can’t give me proper information on.

Despise? :flushed:


They’re just working out the final details - that was from the photoshoot they’ve done for the promotional work and they’ve said they’ll be announcing all the details about preordering and price asap

Poor choice of words, it should have been despise WHEN companies do that. I don’t despise the company lol

For what it’s worth I don’t think it’s marketing shenanigans or anything - they’re just keen to share as much about the synth as they can when they can, they’ve been very open about it.

Pricing can be difficult, they might still be negotiating with suppliers etc. and want to make sure they don’t have to revise the price (which id find more annoying)

Part of my annoyance is I want it, and I need to plan. My annoyance is on me, not necessarily them.

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The timing of the announcement relates to when NAMM happened. Big shows are good times to show something off ( early ), but Melbourne Instruments was ready, imo.

Might be a fun to make a thread to discuss other products that were announced way to early. There are some good stories.

NINA being crowdfunded, gives an opportunity to really despise, with a big schedule slip. That seems a much better opportunity to use a despise. /s

Email from Melbourne Instruments:

Pre-orders will launch via our webstore from 10am, Tuesday 9 August, 2022 (AEST GMT+10). We’ll send out another notification when the store is open and accepting Pre-orders.

How much is NINA?

The full retail price for NINA is $US3500.00 plus your local taxes.

We have a special first-edition run of 500 units. These units will be individually badged and numbered. The first 100 units ordered will receive an Early Bird Discount of $500.00. After this, all units ordered before October 30, 2022 will have an Early Adopter Discount of $250.00. From November 1, 2022, any remaining units will be priced at $3500.00.

Expected shipping date is December 2022.

Even with the $500 early-bird discount it’s probably still a bit rich for my blood.


Crazy high price, I wonder if the novel encoders is the reason why? It doesn’t have any amazing features that make it above and beyond other modern poly synths does it?

It’s a shame as I was interested in it, but I would never pay that much for it. I hope they’re able to make some money back and hopefully release cheaper products in the future.

The audio examples don’t say US$3500 to me

Here is a video in mono(!) featuring NINA

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Looks like NINA is available for preorder at Perfect Circuit. Current price is $3599.

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hmmmm…that does not sound at all appealing. sound or price

Really cool design, but yeah, that’s a pricey synth.

Indeed, and I’d love to see Loopop and/or Nick Batt do a thorough review & walkthrough of this synth (they are my go-to reviewers). The sound samples on the Melbourne website don’t do much for me so it would be great to see and hear someone really dive in to the raw oscillator sounds, modulation possibilities, quality of the onboard effects, etc. If those things are solid, then to me at least, looking at what this offers overall (and the fact that it’s coming from a small company with all the attendant limitations and opportunities that affords) the price makes sense. There are obviously other synths out there that offer analog polyphony, multitimbrality, nice big screens, and (in the case of Arturia) patch morphing, etc., but nothing with this kind of an interface. Over the last several years of churning through more gear than I care to think about, I’ve found myself getting increasingly impatient with certain interface trends, and this unit seems to solve a lot of the problems I’ve had with other synths. The price for a new one is too high for me right now, but again if the fundamental quality is there sonically-speaking, it seems about right for what you’re getting.

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Nina looks really hot.

and I also like the fact that the guy walks around in socks at work. I’m curious the synth should cost.

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$3600 in the States.

Your wish was granted! After this video I’m a little bit more interested - I had somehow I missed that it’s Multitimbral with multiple outputs. The screen is great and it sounds gorgeous. It’s so incredibly pricey though, and I would be concerned that the motorized knobs could be a failure point.


Ahhh! That’s crazy! What excellent timing. :slight_smile:

That’s true with all moving parts. But they are using for the motorized parts, stuff that is speced way beyond this application, and as i understand it, those parts are standardized and readily available for repair, if necessary. I say if you have the interest and the money for this product, the reliability aspects shouldn’t be the show stopper.

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