Norand Mono (Analog Bass Synth with Sequencer)

Yeah, the version available I’m not as much of a fan of, so I’m waiting.

They mention on their community board that an updated Beta ought to be coming soon though! As in, a recent update after the last estimate update :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m happy they’re putting more time in, at least.

for me it’s a bit too repetitive. but it can’t be said enough: rytm mk2 is the best elektron frame. simply unbeatable this analogue and sample-based sequencer automation catapult. the pinnacle is the a4 that you can shoot through the record function and add even more chatter through pitching with the rytm sampler. awesome.

the rythm here isn’t even mixed and still it bangs like hell.

I think the digitone could do similar bass lines as the norand does, saw, little fm, lfo to filter envelope depth, as extra envelope to open and close it quickly. Having 4 lanes, allows even more variety. Still it sounds dope, i think its better than a avalon tb3 rebuild. I have a behringer 303 clone, the sequencer sucks, but it sounds good. (sequence it from digitakt, no problem) Good bass is half the rent imho.

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The Mono’s bass is good, but not exceptional (I like the DB-01 better), and I definitely think the Digitone can match it in tone (though the continuous waveform morphing might be harder to match). What makes the Mono playable is the large number of knobs plus the ability to easily modulate each one, and the sequencer, which has more tricks for improvisation than Elektron’s. I am shit at improv (always have been) but on the Mono I don’t sound half bad.


I’ve seen a few complaints about the Mono’s bass unadorned (always directly compared to dedicated monsters) and I’m not sure it’s fair.

If you want a Taurus, get a Taurus!

You could certainly use the Mono as your main, but if you want a “bass assassin”, there are a myriad of devices more tuned towards that architecture.

You’re rarely going to use the default init on any synth and this is no exception, with the Mono you really need to focus on the modulation / West Coast design elements to see it at its most satisfying.

What’s your favorite trick there not on Elektron?

I’ve yet to wrap my head fully around the benefits of Mod Notes, randomization can get quite wild in that regard so once i’ve got a stable new firmware I’ll put effort into intentionality there.

Page randomizer is misnamed; it adds 1-4 notes, in scale, to blank spots on the current page, with randomized accent/slide. Somehow the algorithm is pretty good (not perfect) at making the new notes sound good with the old ones. Combine that with essentially unlimited undo/redo and suddenly this is killer. One can build up a decent sequence from zero incrementally, undoing anything that doesn’t sound good after one iteration, and then run up and down the undo/redo stack. I have low tolerance for repetition, and with most techno I’m like “okay, I get it, now move on”. Here, I can keep it moving to my satisfaction, and then I can back up to a specific point and create a new top of stack. (I can put intentional edits into the stack as well.)

Like you, I’m eagerly awaiting the new firmware to move deeper with things like Mod Notes (and the new features promised).

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Yeah, probably helps that it works within whatever scale you have set in the pattern.

Hrmmmmm yeah, gotta plan that far ahead :wink:

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I’m curious about pattern morphing in the next fw

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Yep, the sequencer is really really usable

re impro, I’d also mention play modes (forward, backward, random, “drunk-mode” and what not). This is also lacking on Elektrons.

Oh yeah, and temporary pattern change: you can play another pattern just the time you hold a button. Pretty cool for breaks.

I don’t know about bass and how it fares comparing to other bass synths. For me it’s first and foremost a sound design beast thanks to its countless LFO’s and envelopes.


No planning! The stack is just made up of the little random bits that you didn’t immediately undo. You liked each intermediate result, so it’s all good. Just run up and down it until you get tired of that and start a new branch.


Aye. While I understand the perception of the Mono as a “bass synth” on a superficial level, it also feels disingenuous (including the title of this thread).

Reading about it from the beginning and watching interviews with Mathieu Frohlich my understanding was that this is a next-level mono in the general sense with a focus on modulation and sequencer capabilities. Which to me spells sound design and emergence, not “phat bass, yo”, the latter being a possibility rather than the USP.


Definitely, happy accidents lead me to “bass” patches but often through psychoacoustics and odd harmonics.

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Here’s a demo video showing different patches of the Norand mono. Way underrated IMO, and it is so much more than a bass synth.


really cool :+1:

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You really know how to make an instrument interesting!


New stable beta is out! I was a little apprehensive about the earlier state but lots of bugs quashed and sounds like I’ll have a better time with this.

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I’ll wait for you to report back. I shied away from beta 0 because undo/redo didn’t work and it has not been mentioned since.

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I believe that was prioritized but I’ll LYK :slight_smile:

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Yeah, same here, I was not particularly eager to try the last beta as it felt quite uncooked and, well, life is short :slight_smile:

But I might take the plunge on this one. Supposedly beta-testers have found no bug yet.

In any case I’m looking forward to watching the announced videos showcasing the new features! (esp. pattern morphing and duo mode)

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There’s some chatter about the build being incomplete on the io forum, I have not yet installed.