Nord Drum 3 & 3P

Yes the Wave Spectra is responsible of drastic changes in the sound and sometimes for the clicks.

Yes they are, i was asking for sound design, it’s all on my side.
I found out that the SOLO PART button can help at least when it comes to find out if it comes from the Noise section.
I guess i should just keep on experimenting :wink:

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Can you upload ND2 kits to the ND3? There are a few more on Clavia’s website.

If anyone has kits to recommend, i don’t find much stuffaround.

EDIT: i tried to rename a ND2 kit (.nd2_kit) with the ND3 extension (nd3_kitbank) but it did not work out. Wiped off the bank target and acts as if it’s working but no presets.
Add to this that the software doesn’t allow you to reorganize your presets and i wonder what’Nord Drum Manager can manage (and why i spent 3 days trying to use it on Linux).

Since I started using nord drum Editor (mentioned above), I’ve had a much better editing experience.

I haven’t bothered so far and learned (slowly) to appreciate Clavia’s clever minimalist interface and enjoy dialing my sound on the device. I’m still curious about the editor, maybe some day…

I tried it and it’s neat, very clear UI but i have a display issue on Linux, i need to move the mouse to see some controls back and forth, it slows down the experience.

The controls on the ND are not so bad. One thing i regret and that makes me do mistakes is that i wish you could select one pad just by tapping on it as it’s done on some Roland devices.
I sometimes edit the wrong pad and notice a bit too late.

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Press the two channel select buttons at the same time and you’ll enter ‘pad follow’ mode. You can then choose the pad to edit by tapping it.


There’s a way to do that, I think it’s by pressing both Channel Select buttons at once. I’m not in front of it nor of the manual, it’s there!

Still, I do mistakes sometimes and yes it is annoying. Forgetting to save also happened to me. I’m spoiled by instruments that don’t require saving, which I LOVE. But now I’ve integrated that, I didn’t make that mistake for long…

Waw guys you rock! Did not see that option, thanks!

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I especially like how one-handable the 3P is. You can almost always press a button with a pinky while turning the knob with thumb and forefinger. It’s a crucial operation when you use an external controller, which I do exclusively.

Actually i notice now that i tried it before but it did not work.
To activate Follow Pads mode i need to quite bang hardly the pad or it will trigger the sound but won’t switch to the pad. Strange.

Yep Pad Follow only switches pad for a hit in the higher velocity range. If you raise the Pad sensitivity parameter then you won’t have to hit as hard to reach this range.

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My pad sensitivity is at 18. If i could i would even set it higher but notes were triggering alone…

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Have you adjusted the pad threshold? That can help with the ghost notes
For me: pad threshold at 2, pad sensitivity at 19 for hand mode/9 for stick mode

Also kinda obvious, but make sure you’re adjusting the settings for the pads and not for the kick pedal (if you have one). The green lights will indicate which one you’re changing.

I have similar settings but i must say i don’t notice much difference between sticks and hand mode. I play with hard mallets though.

I thought threshold/sensitivity were global settings, i am gonna check this out.
I also wish we could play with fingers… maybe for a Nord Drum 4 :wink:

Yeah, I was never able to get a decent hand feel. You have to whack it pretty hard, which has its own uses, but then it’s difficult to control the dynamic response. I thought of peeling back the pads to get more sensitive access to the sensors, but I chickened out. I use Zendrum controllers to fingerdrum the 3P, which gives better spacing and multiple MIDI notes per pad.

Sad to see they force you to buy the ND with the pads when you eventually need another controller. Also sad to see the price the Zendrum goes for :wink:

The 3P is very good with sticks, though, so there’s that. As a synthesized drum supplement to a regular drum kit, I think it’s the best by far, and I’ve tried them all.

I’ve tried all possible options to economize, but the Zendrum is far and away the best percussion controller if you want to control a full dynamic range, so I’m stuck with the price tag; there’s simply no other option. I think mass production would reduce the price by more than 50%, but demand just isn’t there. I’ve got four of them with a customized fifth already paid for. That one’s designed to play my two 3P’s at the same time as I do now, but with two separate Zendrums side-by-side.

To have demand you need to be a minimum affordable at some point.
I think the ND3 sells quite well considering they forgot what upgrading a firmware is.

Now that’s investment, you are really into it! They should offer you the 10th one :wink:

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A major issue with demand is that drummers don’t want it. Not only are they lifetime-trained with sticks and feet, but real drum kits have such a kinetic full-body immersion that a sedate fingerable controller holds exactly zero appeal. That leaves people who play small percussion and not drum kits, but those kinds of items are already convenient and have true acoustic sound, so the Zendrum doesn’t offer much advantage. On the electronic side, people who program drums are more composers and arrangers than players, and then mostly play keyboards anyways.

If the thing could be mass produced for $200-300, then maybe a lot of people would try it, then maybe adopt it. The Zendrum is fun and inviting–you touch it, it makes noise–but it’s not expressive (meaning, it’s triggers-only), so it’s very niche at the price. It does totally solve the neighbors issue, a big plus for me.

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If like me you’ve been struggling to change preset on the ND outside of the same bank, there’s a way.
My setup: I use individual tracks, each one on different MIDI channel, speaking to different pads of the ND. I also set a MIDI track just for for the PC change.

PC change: I use an Octatrack to sequence the ND and there are 4 parameters on the Midi setup:

Channel: obviously the Midi channel to speak to the ND. Mine is set to 10, same than OT global channel.
Bank: LEAVE that one on 0.
Prog: that’s the preset number on the ND.
SBNK: this is the one to change Bank on the ND (A, B, C, …)

The different names on different devices lead to confusion sometimes.

Another way to sequence the ND is to prepare hybrid kits with 6 different sounds on the ND. Each MIDI track can then access to different sounds at once. This may seem to be basic but it took me a bit of time to figure out what is possible and how all at once, i thought someone else could benefit the shortcut.

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