Nord Drum 3 & 3P

Thank you very much for the tips.
I think that using 6 different channels for the beat is overkill.

I have turned on/off the ND3P. Haven’t noticed a change. But it seems that the CC changes sent from the DT only affects pad #1 (bass kick).

How is it possible to turn off the indiividual channels on the ND3P? I thought I could only change the MIDI channels of the individual pads (I tried to swap from midi channels 1-2-3-4-5-6 to midi channels 11-12-13-14-15-16). Didn’t fixed the problem neither.

I don’t have the ND3 manual handy, but I think it’s the same as the ND2 — you set the global channel, and then you see the per-voice channels to off. It should be under Global Settings -> Midi in the manual.

Thanks. I will check the English manual. I was reading the French manual and it’s not as complete.
I just hope you could turn off some channels and keep on some other. My goals was to use global MIDI for drums (through a Shallow Water pedal, left input channel of the DT) and two MIDI channels for tonal percussion (right input channel of the DT, with some Elektron delay/reverb).

EDIT : I turned off the individual midi channels of the ND3 (and also changed the global midi channel of the ND3) - Same issue: Global midi CC from the DT only affect pad #1 of the ND3. :frowning:

Oh, if it’s a per-voice parameter, it may only affect the currently selected voice? I don’t remember there.

Are you really sure it’s possible to send CC messages via the global MIDI channel of the ND3 (as for using parameter locks on different drum sound)? I found this on the manual :

Use the Individual MIDI Channels when you need to control parameters
on more than one Nord Drum 3P channel at a time. The Global MIDI
Channel can still be used for the notes if you wish to keep those on one
track in the sequencer.
1 Program or record the notes on one track in the sequencer, a track
set to the Global MIDI Channel.
2 Create a new track that is set to the Individual MIDI channel of the
Nord Drum 3P channel you wish to control.
3 Play back the notes you recorded and at the same time, record any
parameter changes by making these on the Nord Drum 3P panel,
or from other MIDI devices set to control the Nord Drum 3P, on
the new track. You can record overdubs on this control track if you
wish to change several parameters.

Yes it works, as I said earlier, but it affects all the pads at once, don’t know if it’s what you want.

Maybe you should try to change the number of the global channel ? It seems obvious but are you sure the global channel number on the ND3P is the same as the channel you send CCs on the DT ? Are you sure the individual channels are off for each of the pads ? Did you check if each of the pads are properly configurated to receive CCs ?

Splitting nd3 left and right to get kick on own channel?

That’s a cool idea but no I’m actually just using MIDI for the sidechain (I realise now what I wrote was ambiguous). So I have the same MIDI channel set for the Boum as the ND Kick, so the Octo is essentially sequencing both. Having the velocity control the intensity of the sidechain works really well as it’s such a natural relationship.

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I do appreciate the suggestions.

At first, I thought I could record a sequence via the global midi channel and paramater-lock some elements :

  • Adding sudden distortion to one particular kick
  • Panning one sound at one specific moment

I also tried to use CC messages to add or take off the effects on all sounds of the ND3.
None of it worked the way I expected.

The only solution I see :

  • Customize the ND3 as much as possible with its internal effects, panning, etc.
  • Keep on using global midi channel for composing beats
  • Add extra [non-global] midi tracks on the Digitakt for sending CC messages & automating specific elements of the beat (when needed).
  • Use [non-global] midi tracks for extra tonal percussions.

I’ve only used the per-track MIDI stuff myself but I’m getting what you’re suggesting out of it. p-locks on things like Reverb send, pan etc.

Retrigs work really well too and the smallest changes to things like velocity can make it so expressive and dynamic compared to using samples I’m digging it.

Indeed, I have high expectations.

It would still be nice to be able to mute/unmute 4-5 different single global midi tracks to get various ‘scenes’ of a rhythm. It’s still possible though it will require more midi channels than I thought.

EDIT : Now I even fear more implementing midi loopback with my setup (considering the RK-002). That was the next project.

GAK have decent prices on the 3P still and just sent me a curious email warning me that they only have a couple left and that they don’t expect more for some time. If you’re interested I’d suggest now is a good time. The email was due to me being on a watchlist for the item but it seemed like it was written by a human - was cool of them to give me a heads-up :slight_smile:

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Just got one of these - does anyone know if it makes a difference to the pads long-term if I use wooden sticks vs plastic ones?

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I looked into this briefly when I got mine - I ended up with Nylon - I wish I could tell you why :laughing:

Vic Firth’s eDrum sticks have wooden tips.

I think it was more about feel than anything else if you have a preference I’d just go with it.

Whatever you use they’ll look like this after an hour - but that rubber is thick and solid I don’t think it’s going anywhere


What are your reasons for wanting to use the global channel? Isn’t it more controllable if you have each track as a midi channel?

I’m a little confused by the advantages and disadvantages of using the global channel.

Could you clarify?

I find my Nord Drum 3P to be quite noisy.
Anyone tried to power their Nord Drum 3P with a Voodoo Lab or something similar?
If so, does it significantly reduce the noise ?

My headphone out is noisier than I’d like, the rest isn’t. I remember reading that the reverb and/or delay (forget which) is noisy on earlier firmwares, so check that and dial back on it?

If you sequence the ND for example from Ableton Live’s sequencer, you can do it from one single MIDI track with notes 60-69 all going out to the same (global) channel, thus controlling all the drums with one note per each.

The first thing I did after getting the Nord Drum 3P was to turn the reverb send to zero on each preset, then overwrite it. It took maybe 20 minutes, but I haven’t had any aliasing issues since then when using a preset as a starting point. With how my setup is, I never use the headphone out, but from memory the line outs do sound cleaner - as long as you’re recording from the line outs, and the reverb send is at zero, you’ll be getting great quality sound without unnecessary noise or aliasing.

Not had any noise issues myself, but not used the headphone out either. Not really noticed anything unwanted from the effects either tbh but I’ve used them in moderation and perhaps I’m not looking as closely for this stuff. Depending on what kind of noise it is I might have liked it :sweat_smile: