Novation Circuit Rhythm and Circuit Tracks

Apparently a sample groovebox from Novation…Stereo out, stereo in for sampling, sd card slot, midi in/out/thru…

Novation Circuit Tracks

2x synth tracks, 2x midi tracks and 4 drum tracks



Looks nicer than the original circuit


Very interesting!

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Novation making their own Digitakt and calling it Rytm, noice


Looks like there’s also a new Circuit coming:
Circuit Tracks

Circuit Models^^

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Ooooh, interesting! And there are inputs on both models!

Not digging the grey on the Rhythm one though.

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Old 2020 ends well. Always did like the Circuit when I had one.

never liked the circuit, but I do hope the rhythm is what the circuit should have been in the first place… anybody beta testing?

I hope this is proof of concept for Akai to hurry up with the Force mini


A sampling circuit with sd sounds interesting … looks a bit pricey though let alone £

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No screen is a bit rubbish though. Was only thing I didn’t like about the circuit



Might pick up the rhythm if it adds something extra to its sampling… it probably won’t though

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Ha, funny, I really like that they have not compromise their design by adding a screen. OG Circuit really didn’t need one.

The more I think about it, the more Rhythm seems like a poor man’s Digitakt. Tracks is the one that interests me.

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It strikes me that the Rhythm seems like Novation’s response to the Model:Samples - which might be a nice alternative however if the price is accurate and there aren’t some pretty exciting ‘under the hood’ options that aren’t obvious from the front panel then it’s going to be hard to compete with the M:S.

Also, and maybe it’s just me, but if you’ve got a limited number of knobs on a device, why would you dedicate one to filter slope? Still Novation have a reputation for packing plenty into (and updating) their firmware so be interesting to see the full reveal…

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Well, the design is quite cool… but how will it sound ? I want to see interesting synthesis techniques (for the rythm) ; if it’s “only” sampling, I would find it a bit expensive…

I feel as though a sampler is especially difficult with no screen whatsoever, even a tiny volca style one. Scrolling through 100s of samples with minimal visual feedback sounds rough.

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instant buy. both.
i guess they did not rework what is already superb — the UI.


Personally wouldn’t call a screen comprising the design. I’d suggest it increases usability

Even just to have basic waveform for editing and ability to have folders and named samples.

Cpuldnt imagine the digitakt without a screen for example

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I expect both will hook up to editors on Mac/pc
Good to see extra buttons ( the circuit was getting a little button combo heavy )… full size midi connections too.

They’re also competing with Roland boxes , mc101 etc . I wonder if they do audio over usb too ?

That SD card slot, tho. If this doesn’t stream and play loops, I’m gonna haunt Novation till the end of time.


Classic mk 2 mistake for a manufacturer to make.