Novation Circuit Rhythm and Circuit Tracks

Novation is cooking something for 9th of February.


Looks, at first glance, like they are novationising the Digitakt? Or a circuit with onboard sampling?

This is the two new Circuits.


These new circuits look interesting, but what I’d love to see is AFX mode for the Peak/Summit.


The marketing approach is bit cringe

Purposely release a few leaks and send social media into a frenzy ready for the tag line worth the hype

It’s been more a ripple than a hype explosion though

I think we have been desensitised to a lot of new gear releases as there are so many. Just release the product please

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A marketing exec has justified their job by coming up with a series of dates to ‘build a campaign. ‘ or whatever it’s called.

Let them earn they inflated wage :crazy_face: while the influencers get their vids ready to deluge eBay with.
It’s probably coordinated with when new magazines hit the shelves and those front pages have been booked.

I’m sure they’ll be good / limited in some ways … I liked the circuit when I had one

Look. This thread now has 449 posts. Novation knows what they’re doing here.


Well it’s 450 now. Just saying.


No, 451.

Edit : Oh no, @alexbuga made it to 452 with an «off-topic» comment.

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Actually MPC Live launch was worse :slight_smile:
The One also. They were teasing the shit out of it at NAMM

All of this complaining about marketing / hype campaigns is strange. Maybe it’s just a sign of the times as people (mostly young people, it seems) are cultivating this sort of anti-capitalism sentiment. The irony is that most folks would say that they do, in fact, want companies to keep making more synths and new gear. Sometimes, you have to take the good (new synths) with the bad (marketing campaigns). The mere fact that we’re talking about potential new Circuits means that the campaign, whatever it may be, is working.


I’m not complaining as such, just an opinion on these ‘accidental’ leaks and teasers to create hype

I like novation so not knocking them and I’ve only posted couple of times in the thread so certainly not arguing. I’m all far these new products

Tbh I think novation would be happy with all comments good and bad and praising or knocking their marketing campaign as it keeps it live.

So yeah, it’s effective and it works to gain traction on social media. Just in my opinion it doesn’t excite me about the product. I’d prefer teasers revealing each feature every week or video clips. Saying that most promo demo’s are usually rubbish lol so can’t win :slight_smile: :grinning:

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EDIT: I made an insensitive post about money and have removed it. I’m sorry for any harm I caused. The fact it was unintentional was no excuse.


I wasn’t trying to single you out, I hope it didn’t seem that way. Your previous comment did spur me on to write my comment though. It’s more that it reminded me of what seems to be in a lot of commentary these days surrounding product releases.

I agree with you though on teasing a feature here, an image there vs. the cryptic pseudo-leaks.

I’m just here to be teased. Whoops, wrong thread.

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Totally cool :slight_smile:

I think its good some like it, some don’t, some think its genius, others think its lazy, some don’t really care. I think everyone should voice opinions beyond the product, its good to be aware of your surroundings and the manipulations of companies and brands. Question everything and rant, praise or just don’t care, its all good.

I’m old and skint so definitely not in the young well off bracket, more cynical old boy lol

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…and is not even fully introduced yet…,

I’m not young people. I’m 35 and patience is not my virtue. When I see something I want … I’d like to buy it :slight_smile:

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I prefer the Korg approach: boom, here’s our device no one was expecting.

Curious to see marketing studies that show whether teaser campaigns generate more sales. Comments on social media are not necessarily sales.


They may generate ~sales and doubt - as in people hanging on to their money to see what the thing looks like.

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