Novation Circuit Rhythm and Circuit Tracks

I think it comes down to the sample time here…
from Enriques demo last night it seems to be inspired by SP 404 effects. He briefly mentioned Vinyl sim and did som beat repeat stuff.

So to me it’s seem they might be trying to be the SP killer.

That would be pretty cool actually. I think it’s been long overdue


Bro please I just wanna bleep bloop why they gotta do me like this

I’m far more excited bout live effects than the sampler itself. I don’t need any more samplers (even though I keep buying each one that comes out)


Pretty sure the launch for Circuit tracks was around 5pm UK time

You can’t kill the SP with no streaming and mono samples only.

But I guess you could try :blush:


Do we have any specific details on it yet?


site’s up!

perhaps explains why the DT got its 1.3 update…

£360 seems pretty decent to me for this one

anyone know how much RAM / sample time is available - site doesnt mention…

Nope no info on ram. Is it disk streaming maybe?

data is here:


8 tracks of monophonic samples
limited midi note sequencing :frowning:
battery powered or via USB. :slight_smile:
Grid FX and Delay / Reverb
Slice sample playback - :slight_smile:
Sample time 220 secs
Micro SD :slight_smile:
Song Mode - via scenes :slight_smile:
Compressor - only mentions side chain so no idea :frowning:
Looks - ho hum - a bit plastic looking - definitely a distant second to the DT…



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Looks good. I think for $399 US price, this seems like a nice portable sampler with some cool features.

Website says shipping mid-July.

All the youtube videos from the usual suspects are up now.

Hey Bad Bass

Couple of points to add.

The sample tracks also send out MIDI notes so 8 tracks of MIDI sequencing (mono sequences)

Sample time is 220 seconds per pack (32 packs stored on the SD card)

Scenes = Song mode


loopop video!


Calc thanks for clarification!

A couple of questions:

What is the load time between loading a full pack of samples from the SD card, thinking here of a live set?

Is there any information you can give on how the slicing works. Ricky’s Fallen Petals has a bit where the device seems reminiscent of how Abletons Simpler works - looks really promising but wondering how the slicing is done - transients, 8 parts or by hand?

So Load time is dependent on how many samples you have in a pack. I’m averaging about 16 seconds to load a full pack. (thats around 32 bars of music at 120BPM ;o). So you need to bear in mind that for transitioning packs.

Slicing is done automatically by splitting the sample into either 4,8 or 16 parts equally. Alternatively there is a slice point record system that lets you set your slice points by hand. All slices are non-destructive and can be changed at any time. If you want you can also change the sample on the track and the slice points are kept and used with the new sample.
You can also adjust the start and length of individual slices to suit with the macro controls.