Novation Circuit Rhythm and Circuit Tracks

It is sexy, but yeah, but maybe no room for batteries, which would be unfortunate.

Yea, and sadly no solid, uncurved side that you can velcro a small 6700mah battery pack onto, as I do with my Typhon. Maybe a larger 10000mah could be velcro’d onto the rear base, underneath tho.

I don’t see any spots for a battery handle :wink:


I also think the mono station is Far better sound wise and also still underrated compared to bs2. But the circuit is still my favorite sketch pad. It’s hard to produce full songs on it, but dead easy to program your ideas quickly on it.

Concerning the two new boxes, I rather buy an octatrack then these two new boxes together. But We’ll see. They might have surprising features. I think the Rhythm could be a strong contender to the tr8s. The Tracks could also be interesting, but the midi implementation should be flawless. Also 2 synths with each 6 voices ( I assume) is a feature you can hardly find on other sequencer/groovebox. And the sequencers are one of the best for live performance.

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Yet! Where are those two pop off pieces…maybe underneath!

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Give me the dimensions to the new Circuits and 20 minutes on Amazon and I’ll have a battery solution for you! :wink:



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Although, I might just get one of those huge batteries, the size of a hardcover book, and duct tape this thing on top. Portable doesn’t have to be sexy. Or light. Or make me want to use it.

def gonna keep my eye out on the rhythm… if nothing else because novation does their own thing, and remain innovative makers… but I’ve never hated the sound of anything as much as the circuit synths, and I always thought the workflow felt like it was made for someone who did not want to make a beat… my circuit days were very tough on me as I’ve always super admired novation… all I can say is I hope these new boxes are a complete departure or at least an attempt at an departure from the circuit… I hope they made what they wish they would have made when they made the circuit.

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Might as well!

But only go that route if you really need sampling from the inputs.
Otherwise, I still think that (based on what we know now) the Model Samples is still a hell of a machine, by comparison.

CTRL-ALL probability, 576 sample slots per project, and an LFO that I can’t imagine using the M:S without. Really brings life and movement to the samples.

That’s the main omission that I see on the Circuit Rhythm. Real cool that it has HPF and LPF separately, but without an additional LFO to modulate them smoothly (I assume it can only do stepped p-locks), that could really limit it to drum duties only.


:rofl: such a clown! I dig it!

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I agree, the M:S is still a beast and one of my favorite machines. It is so fun to use.

wait, hold the phone, there’s a slice function!?


Well I never put the phone down. Slice would really add something here.

It’s like you said above, about the devil being in the details.

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Looks like choke groups as well!

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Circuit Rhythm


I’m ready for the loopop videos in these things!!!

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I also see they have a Mutate label up there above duplicate. Mutate, along with probability seem like it would be a great combo.

The interface looks well layed out. They really packed a lot in there, logically, without it looking cluttered.

I am already playing it in my mind.

Just got my tracking number. :wink:

So, if it is the same size, roughly, as the original Circuit, this pack would most likely fit, velcro’d to the main (thicker) under section.

plus a short right angle USB-c cable like this to connect

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Good call! It would add like 1/4 or 1/2 inch, and give a little more functional tilt.

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Or… and hear me out, since you mentioned a larger one with duct tape,
I got one of these to use in my Subaru earlier this year, and it’s got a lot of power.