Novation is up to something

I doubt its a new product with just a one day teaser. Could be a firmware update though.

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Pretty sure it’s a Circuit fw update. I remember someone recruiting betatesters for a new fw on the fb group not so long ago.

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Whatever it is, it better be a drum machine that’s also a powerful synth that’s also a stereo sampler, otherwise I’ll be very upset.


Does it have to have song mode?


It has to be song mode.


I alway like what Novation puts out, but I still haven’t bought anything from them (but I do use Focusrite).

Both Circuit and Tracks look like fun. I’m hoping they release something in this form.

Although I just splurged the Van Gogh Lego set, so maybe I should continue not buying anything?

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I know the odds of it being a Peak Groovebox are slim, but I want to at least plant the seed.


Internal resampling quantized to the bar…?

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It better be a quarter of the size I want and 3x what I’d be prepared to pay.


Wait for the opzfield

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My hope is:

  • Bass Station II Desktop or other small budget analog synth under 250,-
  • LaunchControl & LaunchControl XL with USB-C and mini jack for MIDI.
  • Something completely unexpected like a Circuit Pro that does it all for 999,-

My guess though is probably a minor update to something.

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OH YES, i love the Bass Station II but it’s so bulky and I just don’t perform keyboard solos :stuck_out_tongue:

… or a Mono Station II (which is almost the same (?) and also does patch flip = AFX mode) as compagnion for the Circuit Tracks and Rhythm <3


However, the most useful thing right now for me would be the ability to send program changes on the Circuit Tracks’ Midi Tracks - the one thing missing for it to be perfect [for me]. I don’t want to give up one of the synth channels on my Syntakt :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a Mono Station but couldn’t get much out of it that I liked so much about the BSII.
But if they fixed that with a Mono Station II than it could be interesting. :slight_smile:

More unexpected what if… Novation did another audio interface? They once sold the Audiohub.
What would/could/should a new audio interface by Novation include in 2022?

NAMM is just a week away.

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Whoa I like this suggestion. I used an Audiohub for a while and it was pretty great.

The fact that it served as a powered USB hub is handy for anyone working in the box with a few controllers and such. Plus it had 2 sets of stereo outputs so you could create an effects loop with it.

They just need to upgrade the audio input — Audiohub only has an RCA stereo input with a switch for high or low gain, lots of room for improvement there.

Historically, does Novation teases firmware updates over the years for the original Circuit?
May the super slim chance of a Circuit Pro happen but one can hope right? :slight_smile:

Surprised no one has suggested Circuit Pro.

Circuit Tracks + Circuit Rhythm + a screen for full synth editing and visual sample chopping. Priced somewhere between a Circuit and a Syntakt.

He or she did.

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I’ve been interested in the Mono Station for some time now and am always keeping an eye out for a used one. What was it about it that you didn’t like? The mod sequencer seemed really cool and powerful.

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I was expecting a BSII inside there. You can make some nice sounds with it though just not what I was after.