Novation is up to something

I think a Circuit Pro would be the only thing they could do that would actually upset me. I have no idea how long it takes to develop a product but my guess is more than a year. So putting one out less than a year after folks just shelled out 800 for a Tracks and a Rhythm would be some fuckery.

I wanted something like a Circuit Pro, but then they released the Tracks and Rythm instead. If there is a Pro in the works, probably won’t see it for a few years. They will be milking the Tracks and Rythm in the meantime with their yearly firmware updates.

Its going to be smaller than a black box, and 5 grand just to piss TE off.


Why be upset though? It’s not like those 2 become worthless or won’t get new updates. In fact they might benefit from a Pro). Also those 2 together will probably still be cheaper than a Circuit Pro.
Plus you could always sell them so I see no problem there either. :slight_smile:

But anyway I think a Circuit Pro is wishful thinking and wont happen anytime soon.

let’s be honest with ourselves…it’s probably just a Launchpad Nano or something like that


What about… SL Desktop MK? with a few extra’s?

With encoders?

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Actually that would be cool. A Circuit Pad of sorts. Scales/CV/MIDI/USB…

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I think it’s wishful thinking too. But what would bother me about it is after not even a year the Circuits would be the old versions. I think most people that have both would have wanted to at least know that an all in one was an option. It would be the fuckery of it all.

What month is 26? Asking for a friend.



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You could see it as the ‘old versions’ or as a ‘cheaper alternative’. :slight_smile:

Sounds more positive and I really wanna see that flagship!

Bummer! I missed it.


Or, I could see it as an insult. Like a good petty grevience to nurse instead of thinking too much about what’s going on in the wider world, you know?

But nah, it would just be the timing and ordering of the releases that would bother me. It obviously wouldn’t make my Rhythm any less good.

Which reminds me that I need to light my candle in the hopes that what’s being teased is a big update to the Rhythm

gave them a freebie years ago…

because they have the most widely used monome emulator.

why not a launchpad/monome/sampler in stand alone launchpad format… with slicing of course, sequencing, and their famous performance fx from the launchpad app… I put it in more detail but you get the gist… they said great idea, and that their devs are like minded… the result was nada
maybe tomorrow pigs will fly

Analog Poly? Analog drum machine? sequencer?

Damn bro one can dream! I’m so close, in mind at least, to picking up another grid along with a Norns when I go OS.

I’m a fan of Novation and their product support. This would be a dream come true for me.

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Who do you contact about that kind of thing. I have a bunch of ideas about the Rhythm that I’d like to bother them with.

email them directly, Calc is on this forum send him your ideas as well…

Norns is so cool, but Novation is beyond capable of doing something like this, it might not have the mystic of everybody hovering over esoteric art forms but I’m sure novation would make it damn functional fun to use

the world is a weird place, you know how long it took hermut Lobby to make a stand alone beat surfing, when that’s what people would have loved from day one?.. it’s like not having a slicer in the digitakt because it’s called a drum machine or drum computer we have to be committed to one shots?..

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What I’d really like to see from Novation, that I think is unfortunately far less likely than a Circuit Pro, is a full-on, knob-per-function, modernized SuperNova programmer for Circuit Tracks.