Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3

Anyone know how I can note repeat in ableton with the launchpad ? Is there a button combo I’m missing ?

I’m afraid it doesn’t exist

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Hopefully Native Kontrol updates Arsenal to support the MK3. Arsenal made the Orginal LPP quite a powerful Ableton controller with Note repeat, XY modes, more detailed Simpler modes, custom color coding of drum sounds. Etc. That’s what I’m holding out for before getting the MK3.

I can’t remember every detail, but in the past I’ve set this up in Custom mode with an arpeggiator midi effect and different pads controlling different rates (also throwing in the drum rack pads or midi note control within the same Custom page). Not the best solution but it has worked for me on the occasion I wanted a playable note repeat effect.


Got one of these on trial now. I’ve temporarily shut down the rig to run this only with my Prophet 12 module, for lovely, minimalist bi-timbral compositions.

Not that the rig was all that much to shut down, to begin with. A Blackbox, a mixer and two pedals. But still :slight_smile:

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That sounds like a lovely way to take a break from…everything you need to take a break from! :slight_smile:

I’m still itching to hook mine up to the Digitone…some day lol

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About to try it out quadruple mono timbral with my new Analog Keys.

I have not touched mine since I played with it 3 weeks ago for an hour.

Are there any quantization options for midi input? I hate quantized stuff…always play live unquantized…but I did not try that my first time with it.

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Got my Launchpad Pro MK3 yesterday and love it. I look forward to all the new updates this will get in the near future as this controller is capable of so much! :slight_smile:

few questions:

  • No on/off switch? The Vegas mode drives me nuts, how do I turn it off?
  • Is there some way to dim the pads more when they’re not selected? It’s hard to see which ones are fully on and which aren’t.
  • Can the LPPMK3 connect to the iPad Pro?

I really hope the Circuit Pro isn’t far away as it seems like everything I wan’t the Circuit Pro to be is scattered over the entire Novation product line.

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Vegas mode on/off and LED brightness settings can be found by holding the Setup button until the menu appears (page 52 in user guide). It looks like the LED page should be the first that appears upon entering the Setup menu, with brightness level on the sixth row, and vegas mode toggle on the bottom row.

I don’t think that will change the contrast between selected and non-selected tracks though :confused: That is something I struggle with on this model, which wasn’t an issue with the MK2 unit.

Gotta say after some weeks I am loving the LPP mk3. I still miss the Delete button from my mk2 unit, but everything else (aside from LED contrast) is so much better.

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I assumed the Clear button is the old Delete button. Are they different?

Edit: Never mind. I see the Clear button clears the entire clip whereas the old Delete button could clear only certain notes (hi-hats for example as opposed to all the drums in a clip) or clear the entire clip if you so choose.

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Hey LaughingAnimal

If you press the set-up button (bottom left recessed switch) the track select buttons open the set up menu. The 1st button under the grid (on the left), gives you access to the LED set-up page.

You can then use the pads in the middle of the grid to change the brightness.

You can also use the button second from the right at the bottom to switch on/off Vegas mode.

The blue button next to it on the far right is a “make all LEDs go to sleep” switch too which is useful for stopping your studio looking like Blackpool Illuminations when you have finished for the night too.
Lights will come back on when you hit another pad/button.

Hope that helps


Ooops you answered the question not asked it!!!


One day I will learn how forums and posts work, until that day forgive me! but first I must learn to read properly.



I think just the fact that you show up here and reply to these questions, makes you awesome.

No worries! Your answer is more detailed than mine so the information is appreciated.

Yup :confused: I don’t understand that step back in functionality and it was pretty useful to me. I don’t mind using a mouse with Ableton, and expect to, but anything which keeps me away from it is appreciated. That’s really my only complaint when comparing mk3 to mk2 (I can live with things like Undo being moved to a Shift function, despite it not being ideal). Tap tempo and Capture Midi buttons make up for it.

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Anyone know how many patterns it holds? Couldn’t see that info on product page


It’s ok, just found it in the how to section

Only 8 patterns per track. Rules it out for a live performance as definitely need more than 8 patterns. Fine for getting ideas down and printing to ableton though

Chain patterns

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I seen you can make scenes with pattern chains. I’d still need more variety than 8 X 32 step loops I’d say.

Sorta depends on your needs, heh. I don’t need more than 2 or 3 patterns for live performance. Depends on how much you like to pre-prepare beforehand :wink: