Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3

kind of close.
I really enjoy inside-the-box, I have push1 and was thinking of pairing my tetra4 with the launch pro mk3 and just use that print* function it has with Ableton and be done with it.

of course I could control it with my push also but the mutation features and micro-nudging and swing is really persuading me.
also do plan on acquiring other gear soon and trying some jamming w/ my other gear I already have, so maybe it might be for me, idk.

also I didn’t even realize its not even released yet. (don’t really keep up with novation)
its stating march 20th.

The print function is amazing, especially if you’re on a tight schedule music time wise. One touch and your pattern is there so that you can continue working on the project even without the LPPMK3 around. It’s priceless.

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Yeah, the Beatstep Pro is super useful for CV connections, as will be the Keystep Pro, no doubt.

While it’s true that the Launchpad Pro has 32 steps on its face (i.e. per pattern), that’s actually double what the Beatstep Pro and Keystep Pro have on their face. The sequencer is far more than 32 steps, as pattern chaining and scene building is dead simple, and step resolution & microsteps are immediately accessible. The advantage of the 32 steps is that you have the bottom rows of the grid to present feedback on what notes and velocities/probabilities/microsteps/etc. are programmed, similar to how the Keystep Pro has lights that illuminate over the keys that are pressed on a given step.

I’ve been using the Launchpad Pro completely out of the box and I think it’s awesome. It’s also much easier to carry around than the Keystep Pro. But as you’ve said, if you really need CV (I don’t), it probably isn’t the best option.

Here’s the Launchpad Pro controlling a bunch of gear, completely standalone. I think it does an admirable job.


Okay, this thing is seriously awesome. Favorite trick so far: the projects have instant recall, so you can mess with patterns as much as you wish before reloading the project, elektron-style.

One question: is there any way to copy/paste stuff like, say, combine track 1 from project 1/pattern 1 and track 2 from project 2/pattern 2 into project 3/pattern 1? Or is it just duplication?

Edit: insta-jumping between projects and patterns using shift is also so so nice.

I think everyone is going to be using this very differently. I don’t gel with the Blackbox’s sequencer, at all, it’s too different from what my mind is used to.

I’m picking up an LPPmk3 after quizzing Ricky on IG about some of its functions, but I don’t intend to use it for Ableton at all. It’s going to be the “brains” sequencer for my live gigging rack, which is 2 eurorack skiffs, a drum rack, and a paraphonic synth. Ricky confirmed that it can passthrough USB MIDI clock and transport too, so if I ever do a live set with Traktor, it’ll be my connecting MIDI interface.

The Beatstep Pro interface is horrendous for anything more complicated and multi-tracked, for me.

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Hey @jayhosking - were you sequencing the Rytm from the LPPmk3? Curious if you would ever do that versus use the on-board Elektron sequencer :stuck_out_tongue:

I have used external sequencers for Elektron stuff before and enjoyed it, as it makes you play the device differently. But for drum machines, I usually (but not always) rely on the internal sequencer. So this one is with the Rytm’s sequencer, not the LPPmk3.

Had to return my first unit - had a defective pad. Turning the launchpad around, in your hands, or tapping the chassis lightly or stuff like that would trigger the pad :-/

Anyone able to figure out a quick way to write good arppegios on the standalone sequencer, and if you can use chord mode on that? Doesn’t seem to be an option?

Hey. Just ordered one a waiting for delivery. I’m interested in creating custom layouts to control my DN and M:C. Do you know if there are any existing layouts for these machines - and if not - where to start. Any help appreciated :pray:t2:

I’m in the same spot. Just got mine today and one of the pads near the middle basically had a mind of its own.

I’m super frustrated, especially since this comes after two defective Push 2 units in a row. I thought I’d have better luck with this. :frowning:

please help me, I go crazy.
I can’t skip through parameter pages in device mode, or change between the different sends per track. The right buttons show me the different pages and sends, but if I select different buttons, it still shows the first page - first send respectively…
Maybe something is wrong with my midi settings in live, but I followed the instructions of novation

Question for the users regarding chord mode: If I store a chord in one of the chord memory slots, then change my overall scale, will my stored chord be transposed into the new scale?

Does Chord Mode not work with the standalone sequencer at all? That seems like an oversight…


Hmm. How can you use this with an iOS device?

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Anyone know if you can sequence the chord mode? Haven’t seen it covered in any review vids except for recording into an ableton session … can on of the 4 sequencer tracks utilise chord mode ?

no unfortunately not as far as I know

Hmmm seems like a strange limitation since they made such a big fanfare about the chord mode. @Calc any insight on this?

Anyone know why four patterns pads are lit (1 per pattern) from the very off. Even when clip slots are empty. Doesn’t make sense in my head, what am I not getting.