Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3

Those clips are all selected when you start a new project so even though they are all blank the are still selected. I guess think of ableton with 4 midi clips playing but only 1 has actual note data in it. The others are blank and don’t play any midi data but they are still selected and “playing” in ableton.

Thanks, That’s really helpful. My head is having a hard time dealing with a lit pad representing a blank clip. Cheers!

But setting a scale, turning encoders randomly… with BSP… that’s a LOT of fun. :slight_smile:

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Great point! Though you can get similar effects with the mutation and randomizer options on the LPPMk3, thankfully.

You could do the same thing with randomly hitting pads :slight_smile:


Curious… when you jump to a new project… does it load the 1st pattern in each track or does it load the way you last saved it? Thanks!


this launchpad pro mk3 appeals to me as control device for my hardware gear.

In custom mode, I’m wondering if I can use the aftertouch (pressure) to control an amount of a control change. Let’s say with the decay of a reverb, more I will push more the decay will be long and I will be able to modulate the decay with my finger.

Thanks :wink:

Edit : is the momentary function for a pad will do what I want ?

Edit : I answer to myself : Nope momentary function is not what I thought !

Is there a way to tie notes the way you do in circuit 1.7 update. Novation said yes on insta but I’m struggling to find out how.

Basically a drone note without triggering the envelope on the way round on the note length - end back to start. It’s a shift + gate combo on the circuit.

Hello Folks,

Just a quick heads up that I’m going to be holding a live stream on the Novation YouTube channel this evening covering Launchpad Pro Mk3.
I’ll be covering how I use the sequencer and specifically looking how I use the Launchpad Pro as a custom controller for the Octatrack. I’ll also be showing how I use the transition trick with a couple of button presses and hardly any set-up required.

The stream will start over at tonight at 9pm UK Time (BST)//1pm PST//4pm EST

Feel free to come and hang out and ask any questions you might have.



Silly noob question: will this be watchable after the fact, too? And might you share your preset for the Launchpad? I have an LP and Octa, too :slight_smile:

Thanks for doing it, can’t wait to see it!

It should be staying up there afterwards I think.

As for sharing the OT/LPP mapping sure thing that should be fine too.

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Hi, cool tutorial.

Please can you share your custom mapping for the octatrack?


Launchpad Pro Octatrack (166.8 KB)

Here you go, theres a typo on the first Program Change layout .pdf… it should be Bank D not G! The actual mapping is totally fine.

You can upload these into Components and then fire them into your Launchpad Pro from there.

Treat em like a starting point for editing or use them as they are but most importantly have fun!



link is here if anyone is interested to see it.


Thanks very much

Just received the LP Mk3 Pro today. And it is easy and fun to play with it. Use it with my Digitone very fast and simple workflow! For a sketchboard it is very nice and fast to lay down ideas. And If you want the pattern in your Elektron then just press the Record live on the device and the notes will be recorded. The unit will get a place in my set-up.

But there are some things that I need to get used to. I would like to mention them anyway :slight_smile: Hopefully in a update it can be changed.

  1. Velocity is set in a per step basis. This means that if you use the ‘drums’ on one track you cant get different velocity values on the same step. If you want the hihat a lower velocity then the snare if they hit on the same step? Not possible.

  2. Treshold for Aftertouch doesn’t seem to work very properly. If you turn it off, low or high it doesn’t matter. The moment your finger touches the pad aftertouch is allways triggered for a bit. It doesn’t feel like a change between the value’s.

  3. If you want a scene where one of the pattern’s is silent then you have to manually press the mute button or have a pattern with no info between your only 8 patterns available. Wich means if you would like to create some longer lines you would only have 7 patters per track.

  4. The micro steps are not ‘really’ micro steps. So you can’t do ratchets of chords. The LP Pro Mk3 is polyphonic up to 8 notes. But those 8 notes are on a per step base. If you include Microsteps then you could place up to 6 microsteps but they can only have a max of 8 notes in total combined.

  5. It is not possible to sequence from the Chord Mode. This is in my opinion a big deal. As it is super easy to lay down good sounding chords (as a not musical theory guy). But then I still have to remember wich note they are and figure out on the orginal scale where to enter them in the sequence. Takes away the fun from the whole Chord mode 2 be hones. In the Sequencer settings there could easily be a extra option as a keyboard. Next to drums, chromatic, scale add chords. Then there will be 3 rows of the triads and the customs.

  6. I think the 32 steps can easily be 64 steps. Shift and the arrows to scroll to the pages would be a easy way to navigate.

  7. I think it is strange that I have to set-up a midi channel for the note and chord mode everytime I want to change it. It would be so much easier if you press chord and it automatically stays in the selected track. Sure if you want you can change the midichannel. The same is for the Notemode.

Havent tried the custom modes, ableton integration and many more. So Will keep you guys posted. But it is still a nice device. Had fun 2night playing with it. Above things are just some pointers and hopefully they get ironed out in a firmware update.


Regarding the velocity of notes, you are able to record in notes with different velocities on the same step. It’s just when you assign them to a step manually that they get assigned with the same velocity.

Allright and how do you alter the velocity per note in the same step?

Any word on when/if mappings can be shared in components?

Is it possible to transpose sequences? Let’s say you record a little riff into one of the scenes. Copy it to another. Transpose up or down?