Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3

Yes and no. What you can do, is while it the sequencer is playing, you can change the root note, C, D, E, etc…, and also the scale type, Major, Minor, Dorian, etc. So you can do those things live, but you cannot just press a note in sequence mode, chord mode, or note mode and transpose it like you would on some other controllers/synths. And you cannot set root/scale per track or pattern. I believe it is set per project.

Can someone explain how the drum mapping works in standalone mode? If for example I have a bunch of drum patches saved on an external synth, can I load them individually to build a custom drum track inside the LP?

Not being able to sequence chords made me really sad. There’s a very good chance I’m going to sell my LPPmk3 in favor of something like the Torso T-1 eventually.

Guarantee they add it soon seems like such a strange omission. I also wish you could sequence drums on individual lanes.

It is not possible what you want to achieve. It is really easy to explain the drums are just like in Ableton a 4X4 note grid for a drum rack. There are just notes from your synth. From bottem left to upper right moving up. You can shift up and down to higher or lower notes. So even if you have a regular synth on their it is just a different note view. Nothing to custom map there.

But you could create a customs lay out within components and enter single note buttons in a grid witch map to your drumcomputer / synth. But remember these can’t be sequenced or changed from the LP3 self. You have to use components for changing things around.

I have asked about all my point to Novation. And the Chord is intentionally build for live performance reasons and in conjunction with a DAW. But it is also one of the most requested features by users. So probably the would add it in the future. But that can also be 2 years down the line. Just like the custom wave tables on the Peak and Summit.

The LP3 is worth its money if you also use it as a controller for your DAW and use the custom modes. If you mainly want to use it as a standalone sequencer then it isn’t really worth the money. And I think it never will. It is just to limited for that cause.


It’s possible to live record chords on the sequencer right ?


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Yes, you can sequence chords or single notes on the sequencer page. But you cannot sequence the chords on the chord page. The chord page is a separate thing, I guess for live jamming.

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Ok thank you. I don’t understand why it is a big deal … would you explain me please ?

The chord page is great for jamming with chords, and has some great extras like sustain and chord lock. You can create your own bank of chords, and fire off chords with a single button. So I agree with some comments above, that it would be great if when you are jamming on the chord page, it could be recorded into the sequencer.


Thank you :wink:

I have to read again the manual I guess. Even if I don’t plan to use it as a sequencer, I would like to know all its possibilities.

My goal is to use it as midi keyboard and controller for my hardware gear. It would be a great option for this purpose.

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I do think it is very fun to create interesting chords with it. Especially for someone like me who is not very deep in musical theory. Therefor it is such a miss hit that you can’t sequence them from the internal sequencer. Not step sequence or live sequence. No I only use it to enter the chords straight into the internal sequencer of my Digitone.

But my guess they will add it eventually in a way to sequence the custom chords.

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It’s the way I will use it with my gear.

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I have registered some novation devices. There is a recent novation special free offer for 2 new roli plugins,
There has been some criticism for not beeing able to store user presets and a constant running app for their cloud ( i am sure there is a way to stop it). Have you tried those roli apps with the mk3? What do you think? After all is free for novation registered users.

Roli looks like they’re struggling to stay afloat, so I wouldn’t put too many of my eggs in that basket (if at all, I’m personally staying away from it - cloud services + struggling company is a bad recipe)

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ok… just a note, this roli connect cloud app does not work with win7 x64 (tested), probably win10 only.

I just got my pro mk3 and maybe your 7 explains what is happening with my first session. I made a bunch of clips over the first two tracks 1st track drums 2nd melodic… stacked a bunch of variations. played with launch the variations using scene buttons also lauch clips individually. Then went back to a clip and tried to overdub … pressed note mode and it started playing a bunch of random notes in the 2nd track (melodic) - it was as if the lauchpad had a memrory of the drum track and was playing it while I launched the melodiic clip… just a bunch of random nots not in the clip… if I went out of note mode it was all OK. So not sure how to go back to a clip and overdub… any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Change the midi channel for your note mode to the corresponding track where you want to overdub.

I ended up selling my LPP. I ended up only using the custom chords to enter them in my Elektron sequencer. The sequencer is imo way to limited to use. And I tend not using Ableton that much as I want to get away from the screen after 8 hours of work behind a screen.

Bought the KSP but that thins is way worse then the LPP mk3. Damn buggy unit. Brought it back after 1 day lol. Now have a Squarp pyramid and that thing is a beast and wish I bought it sooner. Good luck with you LPP!

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when using the device with Live (10) and pressing play, Live will always start from the beginning of the arrangement, not from the position which has been selected last. so the behaviour is different from how pressing space on the keyboard works for example. any idea if this can be changed?

would also like tracks to be armed immediately when they are selected on the device.

On the Digitakt, one thing I do a lot is to p-lock the pitch of a step. Is this possible using the LPP3 and Ableton’s Simpler?

Could you elaborate? You can of course change the pitch of a sequencer step on the LP.