Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3

Totally understandable! The DrivenByMoss plugin is great, but the layout is really complex, so I can totally understand wanting something that does fewer things but is a little clearer about how it does them :smiley:


I was thinking something along the lines of mapping midi cc buttons to the sample start parameter on a couple of tracks. Maybe 4 buttons per track that way I could quickly move around a sample with a press of a button. I’ll have to experiment a little.

I love it, but for the life of me I can’t understand the omission of not being able to tie notes. Basically drones unending.

They added the function to circuit in the the 1.7 update (I think) It was a very requested feature.

I’ve submitted a feature request :crossed_fingers:

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In the step sequencer, hold note down…press where you want it to end further down the sequence. This?

@micabeza Nope, you have a max note length of 64 steps then the gate/envelope will retrigger on the way round.

On the circuit you could select step 1 on the grid and the shift press the last step so the note would hold indefinitely.

See around 1.00 mark

Yep ! just like bidirectional midi ! Don’t understand why it is not implemented in a modern midi controller :confused:

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thank you Calc I was searching for this

i’m thinking of buying the digitone again so i can sequence 8 notes per step for my rev 2. I sold it after i got the A4, but the a4 is only 4 note polyphony per step in the sequencer (obviously). The only reason this is even necessary is because i cant figure out a workaround for using note mode with the sequencer instead of a half note mode. I dont even need the chord mode if this is the case, because you can hold a step on the sequencer and build chords manually the same way, then even press each pad to trigger chords in the sequencer, but i cant get the kinds of chords and melodies i like without scrolling up with the arrow buttons, which isn’t ideal. i was even considering connecting my old launchpad pro to the midi in of the mk3 and recording into the sequencer mode that way, but it seems like this probably isn’t possible. does anyone know if the mk3 can receive midi note information to the internal sequencer?

Today I paired a Typhon with the Launchpad Pro Mk3. I used a Keystep to control Launchpad for melodic sequences. It can be done, but it’s a little fiddly dealing with midi channels.


Anyone know if the built-in sequencer supports ratcheting / retrig / note rolls?

You can manually set up to 6 micro-steps (per 1/16)

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I just got mine, and have to say I’m dissappointed with scale and chord mode. Scale mode is…bizarre. No Lydian? WTF? I tend to stick to the 7 modes, and maybe some pentatonic/blues shizzle.

It is my fault for not doing my research, but the main reason I got this grid controller was scale/chord support (ok, it was price, given the scale/chord support.)

I am 90% sure I will be returning it today. I have to learn the scales myself on the grid (I know them on guitar) I may as well learn the keyboard, right?

no user scales?

Have you got a cheep keyboard you can try? I’m a guitarist and thought how hard can it be, but keep coming back to a grid. Just makes more sense to me. Tempted with the Lynnstrument but don’t want everything I recorded to have bloody slide notes on it lol

No user scales! Amazing isn’t it?

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Yeah, grid makes sense to me. I had a Push 2, and the scale mode was great, but it wasn’t a midi controller…

Maybe there is a way with the launchpad and custom layouts? Or some way to program it? I looked at a lot of grid controllers, this seemed to be a nice mix of price and features.

If you know what the Lydian scale is, I’d presume you know some theory… so just play it from the relative major scale? I know you miss the coloured root keys, but you can figure that out…

I have the LPP and the Push 2, and the P2 scales are way better… but I really like the Chord mode of the LPP, especially being able to store chords outside of scales/keys.


I’m surprised, do have one and haven’t explored this side of things (mainly using in custom modes with Octatrack). Surprised it isn’t available already, via Components or otherwise, definitely a feature request that I’d imagine would be a popular one.

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Curious when they will give the lcxl this new look.

I know some theory but in practice I’m not slick playing it, on grid or keys. There is a difference between theory and practice, irl.

That is why I bought the tool with the support for scales and chords. I can figure it all out. I’m a smart guy. But do I have the time? Do I want to spend the very limited time I have for music on drilling scales to get smooth/inuitive/natural on a new instrument? No.

I am learning more theory, but I played guitar for years as a kid and have a nice natural inutitive understanding of chords, scales, melody on the guitar which doesn’t simply translate to a different instrument in practice.

From what I have read the LPPmk2 did have these scales. I might return the mk3 and look for a 2nd hand mk2.

Not that you (or anyone) will care, but "so just’ and “simply” are pet hates of mine. Its like when I say “just implement multi-paxos for tombstone collection in your distributed CRDT store” It is usually a downward punch.