Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3

There IS a SIMPLE solution though. Lydian IS there.
You want to play the LPP in F Lydian, set it to C Major… that’s the solution/compromise if it’s important to you.

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But I wasn’t asking for your help., I was sharing information about the state of the LPPMk3 vs LPPMk2. Lydian isn’t there.

It’s up to you about your edit to remove “easily offended”, but I wasn’t offended. By the LPPmk3 a little, but not by you. I was simply annoyed by you. Just annoyed. That’s all. Not soley because of this reply. It’s cummulative.

But the matter in hand: I’m surprised that an upgrade removed a bunch of scales that it used to have. It doens’t mean you can’t play the scales some other way. Clearly, at a minimum you can learn all the scales, and play them on a chromatic keyboard. Somewhat better you can learn relative modes/scales of those avaliable, and play them with a different root note. Better still, the software on the LPPMk3 could support the prior set of scales. Ideally it would allow the programming of custom scales.

I get your point, IF I was asking for help maybe you did try and help me (maybe.) But I was expressing surprise/dissappointment at the product that this thread is about, and by doing so, maybe other potential purchasers will do better research/be better equipped to make a different decision than I.

FWIW I don’t like this argumentative stuff. I like this forum because the tone is generally really nice, genuinely helpful, and super supportive. I don’t use social media, and the internet in general because everyone seems primed and geared to fight at every statement. I’m speaking the way I am to you because of that. And also because of that, I won’t escalate things by replying further to you, the final word is yours.

^ In that exact spirit, I saw this;

…and I thought you were wanting/asking to work/compose in Lydian mode, and offered a solution to that in case you didn’t realise there was a workaround. I didn’t read it as an LPP2 vs LPP3 feature comparison on scale modes.

The question mark was there as a suggestion, without me wanting to sound condescending… I know not everybody is up on music theory, which is fine, and why I tried to word it how I did… but I think you took it that way.
Crossed wires, textlation, no big deal. Now we know.

Me neither, which was why I edited my last reply to not escalate it at my end by getting egotistical…

So :upside_down_face:, fair dos if you need that mode that’s on the LPP2… I can’t imagine it wouldn’t come on an update down the line for the LPP3, along with User Scales, if enough people are asking about it.

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@igtheflig If you’re looking for a specific scale why not build your own in a Customs mode using Components.
Sure you’ll need to know the notes you’re looking for but thats easy to look up and you could get a full 8 octaves of a heptatonic scale across the grid and colour the root notes (and other notes) to taste.

You could make a load of these in Components, save them and fire them into a custom page whenever suits.

Hope that helps you on your quest.


Custom FTW. If I can’t use Pelog I don’t even plug in my USB cable

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Having used my LPP3 exclusively with my iPad up until today, I’m now at the point where I want to use as a standalone sequencer for external hardware. Unfortunately I’m struggling to find much information about actually setting it up.

Does anyone know:

  • how many devices I can control? I’ve got a MIDI router so can connect up to 8 devices but I assumed that the LPP3 could probably only handle 4 due to the number of tracks in the sequencer. Would that be correct?

  • how do I specify what MIDI channels I’m sending sequences to?

Essentially I want to use:

  • Akai CD3000XL as a drum unit, sending samples through the individual outs via a gang of guitar pedals
  • a Volca Sample running Pajen FW as a 4 voice polysynth
  • another Volca Sample running Pajen as a percussion box
  • a mono synth for bass (Werkstatt via Doepfer Dark Link, most probably, but potentially a 0-Coast or MS-20 Mini)

Is this possible or am I doomed to be disappointed?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer

@PeteSasqwax You have 4 tracks, so you can control 4 midi channels from the sequencer. If you use it as a controller you can set up each pad with a soecific midi note and channel.

You can set up the midi channel per sequencer track with shift + sequencer, you’ll have a row of (I think) white pads that represent channel 1 to 16.

I think your setup will work, because the sequencer is polyphonic. So if you set up a multi sample on the Akai with a drum per note, you can program the whole drum track on one midi channel. You can use the 16 pad drum setup in the lower left corner to switch between drum tracks.

The sequencer is basic but has some functions that other sequencers don’t have. The substeps per step are great for programming ratchets and off beat notes, and the mutate option per step is also cool, especially if you use it on a multi sample drum kit, you’ll get unexpected results.


i actually use as teh ipad sequencer cause its quick to jam out on and clear and record stuff than tapping/editing/clearing on the ipad. makes drums 1000x faster

once its set, I record it into atom2/lk/whatever in a single take


The mutation stuff sounds excellent! I have to admit, I’m finding it annoying to deal with the whole MIDI setup at present. It occurs to me that it might work the same as the previous LPP so I’ll look at information regarding that as the details for using the Mk3 standalone with MIDI are limited at best

Oh, damn! Why didn’t I think of this? I could use one of the collection of old iPhones I have as Atom 2 devices and send things into Atom like that.

Can you switch between modes for standalone and Atom on the LPP? Does that mean I could use it with more than 4 devices, since I would be sending the sequences into Atom 2 and then triggering them as clips within AUM? :thinking:

Sorry to be a bit off-topic but am I the only one to be annoyed by the lack of midi bidirectionality with this midi controler ?
Nothing happened from Novation since last year. It’s not like them to leave a product without good updates :confused:
I opened so many tickets to propose improvements but it’s always the same automatic and impersonal answer … It wasn’t the case with the OG circuit or BS2

I believe something like Corona happened… if you’re a team used to working together on-site and testing your firmware on hardware, the last 1,5yr was very hard. Give them some time…


Maybe you’re right but teleworking has shown us lately how efficient and productive it is. That’s why I wonder :wink:

Send AUMs midi clock the the LLP on its midi (not daw) port and you can use the clip launcher (session mode) of LK and atom with the hardware sequencer.

I don’t really save anything in the lpp’s sequencer or projects. Just fill up the lpps sequencer slots jamming. It’s really easy with LK if you have a bunch of blank clips cause you just flip over to session mode, press capture midi, and you’re done. Send out of whatever channel you want in LK to where ever then. (Really wish LK would get the playing clip more visible)

Clear the LPPs sequencer and your free to use it again. Rinse and repeat.

Just make a giant program in the 3kxl with drum hits, and flip through midi channels on the lpp while the sequence runs to breeze through all your kicks, hats, whatever to build a kit. Personally I don’t use too much external hardware anymore, but it’s kinda no different than how I load up AudioLayer with a crapload of drum hits.

I find the lpp sequencer really fast to work in for percussion. Melodic…meh….and I with you could use chord mode with the sequencer, but that fine, just record that stuff straight into LK/atom.


I’m going to stick the kettle on and try that out right now!

The one thing I’m missing on iOS is that drum sequencer. I’m so used to it from working on Ableton with Launchpad95 and then ultimately Push 2 that I don’t want to use anything else.

Actually, there’s a brilliant script for Mozaic that Thomas (Burns Audio) wrote that I was using before Atom 2 came out. I wonder if that would work the same way…

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i’m working in a fully distributed global corp, so I know :wink: But I also know the moment firmware and hardware becomes involved, it’s a different ballgame.

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Now that I’ve had and used my LPP Mk3 with a bunch of different devices, one of my biggest gripes is that it doesn’t have either A) an internal battery; or B) an extra USB-C port.

I have a decent number of midi-over-usb devices that I use it with it, but I’ve had to assemble a small army of usb-c dongles to fork correctly to allow me to power it while also sending midi data to another device.

This is especially true given that it’s a crapshoot whether or not the MIDI host device I’m connecting to can supply enough power to the Launchpad to run it. OP-Z, for example, does not deliver enough power over its USB port to power LPP Mk3, even with the LEDs turned all the way down. Norns Shield/Raspberry Pi 3B+ does, but only with minimum LED brightness. Likewise there’s a bunch of mixed results across all the midi-usb devices (Model:Cycles, Deluge) I own.

It’s incredibly convenient to use the single port for sending midi data and receiving power, but given how unreliable it is to assume the connected device has the juice to power LPP, an internal battery OR an additional USB-C port (with maybe an option to specify power/midi-out for each port individually) and I would be reaching to use this thing a lot more often.

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I’m expecting a LPPMK3 this week and I’m wondering if anyone has already gone and made a custom template for triggering Slice Mode on the OT? If not, I have to go and do each damn pad individually because you can’t copy pads, modify multiple pads, or anything that would make it less insanely repetitive and tedious. Haha.


It’s probably faster to map the OT to the default LPP template. :crazy_face:

I could do that.