Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3

Got my LPPMK3 yesterday and I’m really digging it so far. is there a single spot (kind of like PatchStorage) where people are sharing templates? I’d love to see what others are doing with it.


IIRC i think @darenager shared one template in the files section.

prob being a dumbass but using the LPP3 with ableton how can I do preroll? like count in to a recording? I dont want to loop the whole pattern before I play in. got count in turned on in the metronome menu but record on LPP just triggers instant recording. I always used launchpads as controllers for other gear so im trying to think inside the box :thinking:

Does it work if you go to session view and click to make a new clip?

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yeah it counts in via mouse, just would have thought it was possible from the pad

sorry, I meant session view on the LP. then click a new clip on the LP.

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no it wont create a new clip from there now. hmm. done it from there before. maybe need to arm it somehow but rec button still functions the same on session page

edit:duh record arm button. still mentally mapping it out lol. yeah it works from there, thatll do. cheers bruce

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Well I just got the LP out to try. Are you getting a count in metronome? I can get it to give me a count in, but nothing audible? I can get it to put the metronome on whilst recording though….

I’m new to Ableton and got a push, but I’m pretty impressed with the LPPro and Ableton to be honest. So much more room on my desk too haha.

I can only get a count in triggering a clip to record from the session page. record arm the track then hit one of the red pads and it does fine. I wasnt getting a sound at first but under the metronome menu theres a section that says rythm and I set it to auto now I get a proper count in. would like it to work from the general record button so I dont have to jump between pages though if possible. hate using a new DAW, got a million little questions. the idea of groove templates is bizzare to me. swing by template, proper weird.

oh man would you look at that, it works completely as I wanted it to now. I have no idea what changed but its recording with count in from the button now.

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thanks. I’ll check out that “rhythm” setting - I’d overlooked that as I didn’t think it would have anything to do with count-in lol.

If you’re on Notes input page, then hold session down and click the red pad, when you let go of session, it should go back to Note input page.

Does anybody use 2 Launchpad Pros (mk3) together? I love mine, but would love even more sequencer tracks. I use external and software instruments - and 4 just isn’t enough. Would love to get another one for 8 total tracks, but curious if I would run into any issues.

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Set the device ID’s to 1 and 2.


Probably a dumb question, but can The LP3 be used as a midi interface between the computer and hardware synths? ie. I can connect & control ableton with the pads, and simultaneously send that midi back through the LP and to my external gear with the midi outs?

Yes, that’s what I do. I actually have 2 Launchpad Pros side by side for 8 total sequencer tracks. Just change the midi channel on each sequencer for whatever you want. Match that midi channel in Ableton or match the midi channel on your hardware. For example I’ll do Launchpad pro sequencer track 1 my moog sub 37, track 2 will be a pigments VST instance in Ableton, and so forth.

If you want to play your hardware synths with the Launchpad without using the Launchpad sequencer and just trigger midi on your hardware and record your midi data in Ableton, it can do that as well.

Anyone think that Novation will update the firmware to support pagination for having 64 steps vs. just 32? Or would it be easier to rely on some pattern chaining scheme?

I wouldn’t be banking on novation upping the sequencer to 64 steps. They’re already running tight on available memory/resources.

That being said, it’s easy to chain patterns in the sequencer pattern page. Hold the 1st pattern you want and then press the last pattern you want. The only caveat is the have to be in sequential order.
Hold 1 and press 4, it will play 1,2,3,4. You can’t press them and get them to play the patters out of order like 1,3,2,4.
This also works on a per track basis, so track 1 can chain all 8 patterns, and the other tracks play a single or their own chaining. Track 1 can chain all 8, tracks 2 and 3 can loop pattern 1 only, and track 4 loop patterns 1-3.

You can also chain the pattern scenes at the bottom. If a scenehas a track with more patterns than others, it will not switch scenes until it makes it through the longest tracks chained patterns. Again…only in sequential order.

You can’t chain projects, but you can switch on the fly. They will switch at the end of the currently playing 32 count sequence, regardless if there’s more chained patterns in the sequence.

That being said, I wish the project page was a little more obvious with which ones have have saved sequences. They just green and kinda brighter green if they have a data.

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And while a pattern chain is playing, can you edit one of them without breaking the chain playback?

I’m curious about this as well. I’m thinking of having my Octatrack send midi start/stop to the launchpad pro, and using the LP to sequence external gear. Ideally I’d like to be able to get 64 step loops that I can resample into the OT. Cherry on top would be if I can then use the OTs midi sequencer as well to send midi notes or even CCs to the synths through the LP.

Would this be doable currently? I really like the idea of having a sequencer that’s a bit more inviting to play than the OTs internal midi tracks. The Launchpad looks like a prime candidate.

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@davidj you can edit them in real time while it is playing, but its tough to know what 32 bar sequence you are in without counting. If youre looping 4 32step patterns, it will continue to cycle through all 4 while playing. You cant have it just display 1 of the 4. That being said, its easy enough to pick the 1 32 bar pattern to edit, and then chain the 4 again.

@norb you can tell it to send or receive midi clock independently. If they are both turned on. When you start the sequencer, it wil send the clock/tempo set in the LPP. If you stop that sequencer, and press play somewhere else that sends midi clock, it will automatically go into sync mode to the incoming clock. There is a midi thru available on the DIN2 ports

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That being said, for percussion and single hit stuff to trigger things, i love the sequencer. For melodic stuff…meh…its a bit tedious to edit steps. It’s easier for me to just clear it and do another live take. I use it more as a sketch pad before committing the sequence elsewhere.