Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3

It’s my favorite of the sequencers I’ve tried, just because of how fast I can switch tracks, play scales, edit probability, etc. There is no thinking when using it and there is also no other sequencer that can do as good as job with a hybrid setup - external gear and Ableton at the same time. But, I agree editing can be tedious and clearing it out is sometimes just easier. That said, if novation wanted they could really add some quality of life features.

  1. Let the launchpad sequencer trigger the Ableton sequencer. As of now only pressing play on Ableton syncs both, not the other way around.

  2. It’s very annoying not knowing which pattern you’re on, for example if you’re linking 2 patterns together for more steps and you’re looping - there is no visual indication if you’re on pattern 2 for example. A way to solve this would be having 1 pad not light up on page 1. 2 lower pads not light up on page 2, 3 pads not light up on page 3, etc. Maybe a shift command to do a quick check instead of it being persistent.

  3. Give us more steps, patterns, tracks, etc. I can’t tell if this is a hardware limitation or not, if not, give us more!


While this thread is back from the dead…

Anyone here using a LPPmk3 with iOS? I’d like to bounce something off of you

@micabeza I use the LPP with iOS. I’m a little late to the party though I think.

Hi !
Have you tried to connect your setup as described ?
I have a similar setup, OT sends clock and transport, mk3 receives and send midi to one synth at a time. The problem is that when I press play on the OT I’m no longer able to insert notes into the mk3 sequence. It seems that any pushed pad remains stucked. I use a unitor 8 as midi hub. OT and mk3 are the only 2 inputs. All the other gear receives midi, OT and mk3 included.
I believe that something from OT is triggering some notes to the midi chain but I’m still a noob managing all the OT stuff.

Anyone have issues with interference? If I have the LPMK3 attached to my Mac and using Logic, then connect a guitar to the interface - the LP gives me serious amounts of noise and interference. Turn it off, the noise goes. I’m using usb for power and midi - is that my issue? It’s quieter when it’s got less lights, like when session is pressed, rather than say Chord when every pad is lit up it’s supper noisy.

Yup, all launchpad leds have caused that interference on my Telecaster (single coil pickups). I’m pretty sure the old LP Pro did it when powered via its wall wart so I don’t think it’s a USB issue, it’s the LEDs (as you noticed the noise reducing with less intensity). My computer monitor will do the same if I get too close, but since that’s further back it’s not typically noticed, unlike the launchpad I lean towards to trigger/stop clip recording.

Oh, and I’ll say I only hear it when I’m within a couple feet. A little further back and it’s fine, so if you’re hearing it all around then it might be something else. The noise I experience gets louder when I move the pickups closer to the launchpad.

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Well at least it’s not just me haha. P90s here, and no humbuckers to try. Pretty sure the Push 2 didn’t do this.

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I feel ashamed that I’m only using mine as a keyboard, that’s like 10% of what it can do. On the other hand, I have a powerful sequencer already, so I never felt the need to try the Launchpad’s sequencer… maybe I should.

I’m thinking of pairing it with a cheap used Launchpad X to create a poor man’s Linnstrument, has anyone tried using two Launchpads for playing live?

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Don’t feel ashamed :grin: I don’t use the sequencer on mine too often. I have more capable sequencers that do the same thing plus more. That being said, I like it and think it’s a great addition to the device because it can be the brain of a set up if you want it to be. I would love for it to have an arp.

Yeah likewise! Not used the sequencer much. What I do enjoy/utilise more is creating custom templates to complement whatever gear I’m using: so flexible!

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I’ve used the sequencer on my pro mk3 a grand total of one time

The Sequencer is awesome for fast jamming/Testing. For me, the Novation-Workflow is the fastest of all I used. I wish there was a full fletched Sequencer from them…


I actually use the LPP sequencer as an arp quite often, short patterns at different playback speeds and with the pattern playback options and mutate can give great unexpected arp results.


That’s a good idea.

I also use the sequencer similarly to those above. Quick drum patterns to get started. Record into it live and tweak. Nothing is ever composed from beginning to end on it, nor is anything ever saved. It’s really great for quick work or working with an existing sequence.


Okay, tried the manual, and googling, but can’t figure this out. Is there a way to switch between melodic mode and drum mode on the lpp? By default it seems that channel 1 is drum mode, and the other three are melodic, and I can’t find a way to switch them

Yeah, in the sequencer settings page, the top three upper right pads set the pad mode, any of the sequencer pages can be set to melodic, drum or whatever the other is, can’t remember exactly right now


Settings is shift + sequencer!

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Thank you!

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Wondering if anyone has ideas on this:

I’d like to use the LP to trigger notes/samples on the DT while the DT is receiving midi and transport from the OT. Anyone know of a workaround for this? Seems to defy the nature of MIDI - is there any sort of midi in splitter out there?

I’ve already tried slaving the OT transport to the LP hoping that I could somehow get trigger/note midi thru to the DT (terrible sync resolution BTW).

Note: I already successfully do this with the DT stand-alone and a custom layout

Edit: i did try midi THRU