Novation Peak

I dunno if you’ve seen my past posts…im caught in a spot where, I am probably the unluckiest when it comes to gear [get lots of faulty shit]. couple that with…not being terribly proficient musically. those two factors, and you get a lot of self doubt and stupid ass questions.

trying my best to learn, even at my ripe old age. thanks again for helping.

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Hi Phaelam I listened to the audio now and it is indeed what i thought it is; it is not S&H, but a triangle with a different phase for each note. This is to be expected, your unit is fine :wink: It is just a little quirky thing how it works on the peak, but you can also take your advantage of it, see this video by Ricky Tinez:

Edit: oh you mean the power supply issue? :wink: Well I can imagine if you have a lot of issues with gear in the past that any new weird thing you encounter will make you doubt wether the gear is Ok or not. I hope you will love your Peak and regain some trust in gear :wink:

Dude I fully appreciate the effort.

But I’ll say it one more time: after reinstalling the firmware, I did not have that issue anymore. I set LFO 1 to modulate pitch, and it was fine. No S&H effect.

But thanks again for all that elbow grease :slight_smile:

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Not sure if you don’t understand my point, or I don’t understand yours :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, I think just rebooting the unit would also “fix” the “issue”, although it is not an “issue”, but expected behavior (although a bit weird at first)

Reboot didn’t werk. First thing I try.

Firm reinstall as suggested by Novation.

another Peak question. start a patch from INIT…OSC 1 and VCA behave as expected. turn OSC 1 to 0 I get no sound.

somewhere along the way I do something where I turn all the OSC down to 0, yet I still here the OSCs. the only way to kill the sound is kill the VCA.

what im trying to figure out is what I did to bypass the OSC levels? I don’t know the right question to ask the internets. maybe someone can help. thanks

Something in the mod matrix routed to one of the OSC levels/VCA level?

I DID set something in the mod matrix, but when I removed it…it remained?
gonna try that again

ya thats it. what do you do in that case. I set the first part back to DIRECT…but its still maintaining the value I set :confused: sound still passes thru. how does one correct that?

adding: I set Depth back to 0 as well

Nice :slight_smile:

An interesting feature of the Peak: if you mod VCA level then sound will come out even if you don’t play a note…

uh…bug? you cant reset it or shut it off?

sound doesn’t come out without playing a note. but sound shouldn’t be coming out as all the OSCs are off.

NVM…Ring MOD was turned up. the knob was at 12 when did an INIT…and my hand must bump it.
so I guess Ring Mod passes regardless. :+1:t6:

lack of knowledge getting in the way again.

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Oh, setting the depth to 0 in the mod matrix didn’t stop the sound?

Added: I keep my Peak set to the “catch” mode … the knob doesn’t change the parameter until you pass by the current value. It has it advantages & disadvantages of course

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thanks :+1:t6:

while I’ve got you FF…

[im really trying to learn this thing] I find every sound I make is kinda hollow. I cant see to get anything but.]

Maybe it’s the sound of the filter that you’re hearing? It’s not a thick liquidy Roland filter, it’s got quite a “dry” character to my ear. I’ve found that that disappears a bit if you’re in 12db mode rather than 24db. But there is definitely a sonic signature in the filter.

For me the raw oscillators themselves have plenty of weight, I don’t think there’s any “hollowness” there.

I’m a hack. Again, trying to learn proper.
But just can’t get that upfront warm hug of a pad. :thinking:

Nah, I know what you mean, thinking of a few patches I’ve made that have a kind of scooped midrange feel.

It’s got quite a lot of dynamic range though, have you maybe tried running it through a compressor to tighten the sound up a bit?

Re: pads, warm poly pads are absolutely available (though it took me a while to find any demos of stuff like that when I was looking at buying the Peak originally). 12db filter, saw waves with some detune/wobble. I’ll see if I can dig some examples out.

Thanks :+1:t6:

The VCA gain can throw you off at the beginning. The vca’s is analog, so that knob opens all vca’s.

To get a good “analog” tone out of the Peak i reccomend to never turn the oscillators up more than half way. Overdriving the filter input can often sound a bit harsh. So backing up on the levels can get a nicer tone.

Another thing i like to do to get some movement is to use LFO 2 in sample and hold mode, with slew turned up pretty high, and use it to detune one of the oscillators. Gets a nice randomness and movement. I prefer the 12 db filter, but both work.

Here is a test i did with some analog style pads. And poly aftertouch.


There’s this that I found, sure I posted it way upthread:

Maybe I can record a couple of my (attempts at) more Jupiter-y pads today if I can find time around homeschooling.


To get a good “analog” tone out of the Peak i reccomend to never turn the oscillators up more than half way. Overdriving the filter input can often sound a bit harsh. So backing up on the levels can get a nicer tone.

Thank you so much for this tip. You may have answered a question I was about to ask! :pray: