Novation Peak

Hello all!
I have another question :slight_smile:

For a project I use the peak connected to a computer, with a heavy use of MIDI automations. The engine is capable of a lot that way, and I just love the interactions you get between oscillators when you modulate FM and Ring and VSync. It gets near audible fireworks!

I had no luck with one trick though. All values back to default after a havily modulated section, I have this other section where I want to pilot the oscillatorsā€™ pitches independently using range, coarse & fine parameters (all NRPN). I find that the Coarse tuning responds weirdly, as if offset, and automating it makes the oscillator ā€œresetā€ with each note on message (you hear the pitch slope from 0 to the approximate pitch, weird).

The Range value is kind of erratic too, and seems to never respond to the same values when piloted via NRPN.

The Saw density and detune parameters also respond a bit quirkily, as they seem to reset tuning. That may be normal behavior, though, as it may work as a hard sync between several copies of the signal, but i donā€™t knowā€¦

Is anyone else experiencing this?

The Init patch has filter keytracking to 100%. Try and set this to 0%.

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I havenā€™t tried using the Peak that way so canā€™t comment on the quirkiness youā€™re seeing with sending NRPN values, but to reset back to the default patch parameters you could try using program change messages to load another patch and then switch back to the original one. The Peak responds pretty quickly to PC messages, but you might need a short gap in your track where the Peak is not playing.

For anyone interested, a new Editor is out (6,90 Euro / $ 7,90)
I will probably get it and check if it does work as promised.


Ok, that might work better than my DIY hacks, I tried it and it seems to work ok :slight_smile:

Subtle use of distortion can help too, I find it thickens the sound up a bit


This is very fairly priced. Bought it. Even if it just helps a little with the workflow itā€™ll be worth it. I have good experience with vast editors for hardware.


your description is MUCH more accurate than mine. that is exactly what I hearing.

adding: whatever I doā€¦the sounds sound like they are distantā€¦pushed back. nothing is up front.

maybe Iā€™m crazy

and the buzz on other synths seem to be rounded off a little. like I can JUST hear the buzz.

and the saws hereā€¦I hear no buzz. I hear the saw, but its softened. id sell the Peak to get an AN1Xā€¦but buying old gear is, for me, TOTALLY rolling the dice. im so hung up on that monstrosity.

againā€¦maybe im nuts

[thing isā€¦I bet if you did a blind listen test on meā€¦I couldnā€™t tell the difference]

Old synths vs new synths is toughā€¦ especially listening on Youtube. I quite like that the Peak is a very clean, hifi kind of modern synth. If you want its frequencies rolled off like that youā€™ll most likely need to use the filter, or EQ it, etc. I mean thereā€™s lots of options for it, and plenty of wobble/instability/dirt available. But maybe those things require work to add, itā€™s not the default/raw sound.

I definitely use compression on the Peak most of the time. Depends on the patch of course. But it usually helps.

Also @thomaso is exactly right about the gainstaging - itā€™s really easy to introduce distortion that takes you away from a softer, more vintage sound.

Not sure if this is the sort of demo youā€™re looking for but I just dialled in a super basic ā€œvintageā€ style 2x saw osc pad - there isnā€™t even any diverge or drift on this, itā€™s just the 12db filter rolled off with chorus and a bit of reverb, nothing added afterwards. The key thing is turning the osc levels and VCA gain down, by quite a bit. If you keep them cranked it sounds really different. Thereā€™s definitely a bit of residual fizz from the filter that you wouldnā€™t get on some other synths but I donā€™t mind it personally, I just see it as part and parcel of the Peakā€™s character. I can see how it might not be what youā€™re looking for though.


Just purchased as well, works fine so far and I dig the ā€œRandom Matrixā€ button.

Great price, compared to a different one by Sigabort for 60 pounds.

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@shinobi some pads being shown off here :slight_smile:

I listened just didnā€™t convince meā€¦

same hereā€¦its just not hittinā€™

im been struggling with this thing for the last two weeksā€¦and am leaning towards the sell. along with DT and DN.

I like the sound of the system 8 more [terrible thought I know. a VST vs a synth], but the green just kills me/ superficial I know. but id never be able to sit in front of it. or perhaps im just learning im not cut out for this [20 years later]

System 8 is great for the vintage Roland sound. Like the boutiques but with 8 voices and 96k. Iā€™m an ACB believer. It really is very green though.


project: crack it open and replace all the lights with color LEDs that can be color shifted :+1:t6:

its also weird every freakin sound I make on the peak sounds like there is some reverb on it. even with FX bypassed. anyways. ill stop moaning. im still trying to find the love here. continuing to plug away at this.

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Dude do you maybe have some issue with cabling or hookup method? Youā€™re saying things like the Peak always sounds distant, sounds like itā€™s missing frequencies, sounds like there is always reverb on all soundsā€¦ I know the Peak/Summit engine very well, owned Peak for years and now have Summit, and the things youā€™re saying sound pretty strangeā€¦ How is your Peak plugged in, are you using the main outputs, the headphone output, are you summing the stereo signal, just give whatever details. Would not be surprised if the issue is in the cabling/hookup method, the Peak has a fat, punchy sound and if youā€™re initializing a patch and hear just a single oscillator, but it sounds distant and like it has reverb on itā€¦ something is wrong!

I also remember your trials with the Hydrasynth as well, complaining that it had no bass/warmth, very low output, too much ā€œbuzzā€, and this is sounding fairly familiarā€¦ thinking something is up with your setup dude!

Also, maybe to take the subjectivity out of this, initialize a patch and record the output, I can compare with mine at home and also just by ear since Iā€™ve hit the initialize button about a million times on mine.

Also just fyi @shinobi the Peak/Summit has a huge amount of flexibility, no one set of demos is going to show you all of what it can accomplish, or even demonstrate all ā€œcharacterā€ types that itā€™s capable of. It can do pretty much every type of patch you can think of, can be massively bass-y, or super hollow, or really thin and digital, etc etc. ā€œWarmthā€ is not an issue.


I seeā€¦ just didn t find any demo to show me that it can do leads, chords, pads better, or warmer than other poly synths.

I thought that tooā€¦but when I run stuff thru my setupā€¦record it and bounce it back out againā€¦it sounds the same as it went in.

Ok, next time you turn it on record an init patch with no changes and post it in this thread, letā€™s see whatā€™s up.

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it werked this time.