Novation Peak

Try plugging headphones right out of the Peak? Does it still sound hollow? Let’s eliminate some variables here :slight_smile:

I can confirm the Peak can sound very full. In fact, I think it’s better at full sounds than thin ones … I ofter wish there was a HPF you could run in series with the LPF

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ill try that first…when I get in front on the gear,
and get back…

so right out the gate…

volume at 9 o’clock…I can barely hear it coming thru the MOTU. but its fairly loud on my headphones

MOTU is set to unity.

Which Inputs are you using on the MOTU, Front or Back? Or maybe you’ve tried different Inputs?

Are you using MOTU’s mixer or a DAW?

I’m no scientist … but that could depend on the impedance of your headphones. I would just adjust for volume to be the same for both setups and compare the tone.

ya they sound the same

im nuts I guess
thanks man.

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Probably not the case but you aren’t connecting the headphones out on the novation to your motu are you?

The Peak has plenty of volume on outputs… It does also have a gain reduction setting somewhere in settings to reduce by 6db, 12db etc. Could check that, but that’s simply volume, not tone.

Is the sound like a phase cancellation between channels? Have you panned the Motu inputs left and right? But if the headphone output sounds bad too… Maybe it’s your headphones? Beyond that, the only variable left is you!

Really hard to know what to suggest… If everything you do sounds hollow, regardless of instrument, it could be that something in your setup is wrong – you’ve got to methodically figure it out by checking each element one by one – and if you need help with that, it might be better to start a different thread to explore setup issues.

No no :slight_smile:

All. 2 front 8 back.

I’ve honestly never used the MOTU mixer. (Years!) And actually looked into it today.

QUITE a difference. Exploring that more. And the settings. Peak sounds pretty awesome thru that.

I thought straight in MOTU>DAW, should have been best.
But a little EQ or Comp from MOTU mixer was great!

The motu browser based mixer was the main reason I ended up choosing motu (in my case 8A). The routing possibilities there are seemingly endless. I spent quite a bit of time adjusting gain staging at ever point where it made sense, especially the input trimming. I think that goes a long way to getting the best from it. My peak sounds nice and full through it. No hollowness that I can hear. I should add that I have am analog mixer (mackie 1604vlz4) between the peak and the motu. I guess that contributes something.

should i sell a deepmind 12 to get one?

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Ya the routing is so good. I just never bothered with the mixer. I think I played with it once way back. When they first introduced it. But had no idea what I was doing.

I agree tho. It’s pretty nice. Rounds the peak out real nice. :+1:t6:

now I’ve tried routing signals to the Groups mixes where you can add a little LA-2A…and it just tightens shit up. oh man. :+1:t6:

Between Peak and Iridium from people playing both, which one would you choose and why?
Forget the price and the crazy stuff u can get out of Iridium. How would you compare them as poly flexibility from bread and butter to wavetable and fm sounds?
Also… even though I know the answer…: would any of you prefer Korg Opsix soundwise?
I was planning to sell my Virus to get a Peak… that s why all the questions. :slight_smile:

i did this and haven’t looked back:) worth the upgrade just for the oscillators alone!

For people owning both Bass Station ll and Peak.
Can BS have the same deep bass like the Peak?
For example A42- Todd Bass patch on Peak is just one saw oscillator filtered with overdrive at about 112.
Can this powerful bass be done in BS?

I have a Peak, and it can get pretty unruly in the low stuff! I’ve been meaning to try it on some live gigs for fun… F***ING COVID getting in the way of bass explorations!!

I’ve played a Bass Station 2 a couple of times, and heard guys depping for me on my live hip hop gigs using a BS2… They’re good, but for some reason they feel like they don’t pack the punch of my Sub Phatty. BS feels less analog. There’s just something about the Moog which is bigger / fatter / more in your face than a BS. Also, you can play the filter on the Moog…

But, the BS is amazing value, really flexible, super small / light / transportable – really cool little synths that can get you a long way! Got a fun glitchy random thing in the new Aphex version too I think?

I don’t personally think the BS2 is as hefty as Peak.

Also, one last thought: don’t under-estimate saturation / distortion…

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I’ve got a peak and recently got a sub phatty,
if you want low end bass don’t think you can beat a moog.

Has anyone tried the sigabort peak vst editor?
I would like to be able to have patches automatically saved in ableton projects instead of having to assign pc to clips and have easier access to automation

I’d love the same. Unfortunately I had bad luck with the trial version, but that had probably to do with my own midi routing. You must have the Peak midi ports unused to make it work. I have it connected to a mioXL but probably need to change the routing within the mioXL to give the Peak a separate port or something…

It did work as standalone editor and I have to say it looks really good

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