Novation Summit

Yes so does the Summit keyboard do poly at I wonder?

No, it does not.

Does anyone know of any ā€œpureā€ piano patches that sound good for the Summit? Tried scouring the internet but didnā€™t find anything great. Will mostly be used as a starting point for more patches.

As I plan for a no near gear purchases 2022, Iā€™ve been looking at a final polysynth purchase of 2021 to accompany my Moog Matriarch. Iā€™ve settled on the Summit - of all the modern polysynths it feels the most capable to me. Every other synth seems to sacrifice on either raw sound or flexibility. I definitely get the appeal of the focused nature of the flagship Sequential synths, but I want something that covers basic FM & wavetable duties as well. The Super 6 looks and sounds great, but feels quite limited too. I owned a Hydrasynth and didnā€™t gel with the sound. The Polybrute looks like a super fun synth, but I havenā€™t been blown away by any demos.

Iā€™m curious why there is so little discussion about the Summit online compared to other modern polys.

Jexus did a pretty big writeup on his website, where he is praising summit and peak for the most part.


Oops accidentally impulse bought this synthesizer because itā€™s a really good price on reverb

Novation Summit

Never seen it that low.


That price is insane!!!


Wow, thatā€™s like 36% off regular price. Nice deal.

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Anybody got a recommendation for a case? Probably softshell, but still padded. Nothing crazy heavy duty or expensive. I will just put it in the backseat of my car. Nothing intense.

Hopefully also fits my rev2

You just cost me $1500 :slightly_smiling_face:

Last summer I spent almost 2 hours in the local music store and I spent most of the time playing with the summit. I played with some heavy hitters too - Prophet 10, Waldorf M, Moog One. At this price even not knowing what the b stock defects are it was tough to pass up. Thanks for the heads up!

This synth is massive in size though. I will need to do some serious rearranging

I bought a large ā€œplanoā€ gun case from amazon for around $70 and it fit perfectly. Supposedly waterproof too but hopefully will never have to find out.

I hope you know this already but there are some serious bugs with the Summit. The designer passed away awhile back and Novation has been struggling to decode the system and address the issues. A lot of users are pretty upset as there has been no updates for around two years (no firmware and virtually no communication). Target dates have come and gone with no fixes.
Hereā€™s a good review, bug discussion towards the end:

I finally found a thread on reddit where a rep confirmed they are working on a big patch but can give no timeline.

Itā€™s a fantastic synth if you work around the bugs. Most stem from the fact that the summit is essentially two Peaks in one body. So if you treat it like one Peak (ie only use the first 8 voices) a lot of issues donā€™t occur.

I have faith they are and will fixing these bugs but Iā€™ve expressed directly to them my disappointment in their lack of communication. So have many others.

With all that said, I still make some of my all time favourite parches with this beast. Once the bugs are squashed, it will be one of the finest synths on the market.

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Yeah, they seem annoying. Iā€™ll have to see. The biggest deal seems like midi cc stuff which I never use tbh. Although envelopes stealing voices in a weird way and wet VS dry chorus causing a comb filter effect sounds annoying. Iā€™m sure there is a work around for the latter.

Can you link please?

Wowza!! Their prices have doubled.
It looks like they updated the line too.
Canā€™t remember what size mine are but here is a link:

I bought three of these last year (2 med, 1 lg, around July) and paid ~70-80$ a piece.

Inflation and new model combo I guessā€¦

Any good soft shell case you might recommend?

I spoke with Calc very recently and the bug fix firmware is definitely coming, no doubt there.


But theyā€™ve been saying itā€™s coming for how long lol

At least two years!

The last prognosis that I heard/read was that Novation in the beginning of december 2021, said that they might have a bug fix out before the new year - Yet here we are and still nothing.

It doesnā€™t seem like Novation have found the best way to handle communication in this situation.

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Well I just spoke to him very recently and he said itā€™s coming soon, I donā€™t know why I would have any reason to doubt that. There are still bugs in the Elektron machines that are being fixed years later as well.

Yeah but I mean chances are you could have spoke to him a year ago and heā€™d give you the same answer.