Novation Summit

That the bug using the FX in series hasn’t been fixed is tested and confirmed in this video from 12:45:

Testing if the knob jitter/phantom changes are still there takes longer time, and I’ve already spend days producing test material two years ago and Novation finally confirmed the bug in the end. But, I’m not doing it again. I’ll just assume that they have not, until they write and tell me otherwise :slight_smile:

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Nice update!! Not complete (but what is). Doesn’t look like the bug that bugs me most was squashed yet but this is some serious progress.
Hopefully I’ll have some time today to update and test.

Novation are doing a video presentation later:


bro it has flanger now wtf


i think i love this synth


I knew you would! Great sounds. It’s a beast.

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i’m also realizing just how much i’ve actually always wanted a synth with at least 61 keys (and the 16 voices is a nice bonus too). i can actually play this thing and not feel constrained.


Are you feeling decently quick with programming it? I think with the Summit I really started to make good patches when I learned to spend the bulk of the programming in the waveform and mixer sections, it really rewards choosing two waveforms to start, keeping them lower in the mixer, messing with the shape of both, carefully listening to the blend, tweaking the mixer again, repeat, until I got a really nice core oscillator sound, then bringing a third oscillator in a different range in much lower in volume, then deliberately tweaking all the levels again. You can get such fantastic sounds there without moving out of those sections. The interactions between the waveforms at certain points in the shape controls can be suuuuper tasty but I have to keep levels lower and usually slightly uneven to really hear those interactions to start.

Especially with PWM leads where only one oscillator is a square, I like to set the non-square oscillator lower to start, find the really sweet spot in the pulse width where it beats against the other oscillator in a nice way, then bring the pulse width a tiny bit “below” the sweet spot, then send an envelope to the shape control with just a tiny bit of depth and a longer attack to get it to rise up through the sweet spot and slightly beyond, and THEN I bring my other oscillator up in the mixer to push the square down just enough that the PWM sound blends really nicely. A little high pass filter set close to the left and decent resonance and holy wow! I mean that’s a classic type of patch but I’m just saying that even classic patches like that can be crafted so finely and tuned up juuuust right in the mixer on the Summit, something about the way the waveforms blend when you’re really intentional is just special on this synth.

I think if people just bring in three oscillators at full volume to start, then try to choose a waveform or wavetable and mess with the shape, it’s crazy difficult to even hear what’s happening and it can just get kind of muddy.


dude i made a patch that was literally just one waveform, and then i tweaked it a bunch, brought in the two other oscillators, added some filter envelope stuff, PWM, compared it to my original patch and it actually sounded worse lol.

I can’t believe the sounds I get just doing…almost nothing. I’ll do a quick recording of this sound I’m talking about. It’s literally just a square wave with the filter all the way open and…that might actually be all it is. and two-voice unison.

i’ll have to try your idea of keeping everything kind of low to start. I am finding myself able to move around this synth pretty quickly now, though, even the menus.

I still have not used animate or even made a multitimbral patch. God help me.

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Completely know what you mean! If you’re on two voice unison though, there is some offset dialed in by default in the voice menu, so to get multi-oscillator patches that sound really good in unison mode, I think it’s pretty crucial to bring them much closer in-line with one another in the voice menu. Also, I like to make the patch in single voice mode before I go to two-voice, it gets a lot harder to hear the subtleties when bringing in those other oscillators when two voices are going AND they are offset especially when the oscillators are in different octave ranges. So just basically what I’m saying about needing to be crazy deliberate and tweaky about the oscillators and levels when you’re wanting them to blend and hit really nice sweet spots in their interactions.

Yes, keeping them low in the mixer is CRUCIAL imo at the beginning, I can’t make good multi-oscillator patches when two or three oscillators are all at 127, feels impossible, they have to be lower and offset.

that’s an okay performance but still haha

i couldn’t play something like this on my prophet just because of keyboard length. i sold my prophet rev2 and it basically paid for this synth and I don’t regret it one bit. I can’t believe how much more inspiring this synth is right out of the gate. only wish its LFO and mod routing was as intuitive as the prophet. probably my only complaint.

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That’s a rad pseudo-8 bit patch! Sounds kind of grainy with a boosted mid-bass, I like it. Nice playing too.

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i didn’t even initially intend for it to be 8-bit, but when i started playing that melody i thought i’d go in that direction and that’s when i did all that PWM stuff I mentioned earlier and ended up with a worse sound. this compare feature is super helpful. it reassures me i’m not crazy lol.

i’m gonna try this thing you’re talking about on an init patch and see how it goes.

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How about this, take that patch but set up an extra oscillator to be two octaves higher, maybe a saw, set an LFO to around tremolo speed, fade time set to medium or long, with the mixer level for that osc set to zero, then in the mod matrix assign the Animate 1 button to that osc mixer level maybe set to a depth of 25, then set the Animate Env with a medium attack! Then you can hold that animate button and get a sparkly sizzly rise whenever during playing! Try it out and let me know what you think, that’s your first animate button assignment lol.

i’m trying that right now. am i dumb? how come when i turn all the oscillators down i still get sound? is it because unison?

I don’t think so, but there might be some behavior with Unison mode that I’m not remembering. Try single voice and check. Maybe in the mod matrix you have a Direct connection set to one of the osc levels with some level of depth and it’s keeping one of them open?

i still get sound. weird. i have no mods

it’s because i had ring mod on!

Haha oh yeah that would do it! I remember when I got my Odyssey way back and couldn’t figure out for like a day why I was still getting full volume oscillators with both turned off and it took me like a day to notice that the ring mod was up all the way :joy: curious to see if that animate mod sounds cool in this patch!

is this LFO being assigned to the Osc 2 mixer level as well?

Negative, only the animate button should bring the mixer level of osc 2 up. But you can assign that LFO super subtly to the pitch or heavier to the shape.