OB-X8: Oberheim. Welcome back

Though it’s a different kind of synth without keyboard I think the Code/Omega 8 is a wothy competitor. It also sounds fantastic and comes with SEM filters + option for other filter models.

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Yeah dang that is a monster.

Heres another demo this guy made some v nice kijimi patches as well Oberheim OB-X8 Demo (no talking) - YouTube

This’ll do until Bobeats gets his hands on one…


Wow it sure sounds good! I’m very impressed. Pretty delicious instrument! Maybe I should buy one? The panel is huge, curious why it had to be sooo large, maybe it’s filled with circuits under there!

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Has a very rich sound. I dig some of the patches how the stereo pan was set.

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The OB6 does cover a lot of the territory. Apart from that famous low end growl. Its half the price of the X8. Hmmm.


OB6 suddenly looks like a bargain at 3400 euros :confused:

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Well, j3po and inhalt demo both sound great. Just as good as the OB~6.

The guys face looks like hes in synth heaven when hes playing. :slight_smile:

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Can’t wait to see what else they release - some kind of desktop module that I can just about afford would be amazing :heart_eyes:


My wife hates the look of it. I love it. :rofl:


tbh, I kind of hate it too… pinstripes are more my jam.


So much panel - for the price they really could have put some of the “page 2” parameters on a front panel knob. Seriously, this thing is a beast. That’s really my only gripe… oh and no song mode, touch screen, sampling, or poly AT, etc, etc.


Nick of Sonic State talks to Marcus Ryle about the OB-X8.

Sixteen minute video.


It just sounds absolutely wonderful. I need to get my old Matrix 6 connected and see if I can even get close to this. I know I won’t. Maybe just a little bit.

And I think it looks great.


Love how he breaks it down to a simple waveform to get the sound. Even Nick learnt something.


This synth makes me wish I had piano fingers and not short stubby stiff af fingers :grimacing:
Sounds huge :crown:

From the video it seems despite the complexity, that it’s easy enough to understand and move around. That this is a combination of the series, and that you can recombine separate parts to create things totally new, is great. Makes the OB-X8 really stand apart.

Nice that you can view some of the patches based on the model they come from. Fun when Marcus went through and compared the sounds of the various versions of brass.

Looks totally worthy to be an Oberheim.


Honestly, I’m not trying to shit stir, but I’m not hearing anything that sounds better than the OB~6. Pretty much on par.

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Its the low end growl. If you hear it in real life the whole room literally shakes. A rawer sound than the OP6.