OB-X8: Oberheim. Welcome back

Hahah, still, only a presumption.


I’m stuck at the bottom. :sweat_smile:


Eh, the bot misconstrued my post by quite a margin.

This synth just sounds totally incredible.

At times I find myself pondering if I should just sell all of my analog gear (Matriarch, Syntrx and Minikorg 700FS) and buy the OB-X8 for the rest of my life.
I know it would be a terrible mistake since I really love the gear I just listed but I’ve always been a sucker for the Oberheim sound and this is messing up my head big time.

I wonder if it’s even possible to ever get bored with that sound.

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Sell everything but the 700FS.

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It’s funny you should say that. It would be nearly impossible to ever sell it. :slight_smile:
I’ve read on several occasions that the OB-6 sound needs to be EQ’d to death in order to make it fit in the mix and I wonder if it’s the same thing with all of the Oberheim synths.
I’ve only once played an OB-X and it sounded beautiful but it wasn’t in a musical context with other instruments so it’s hard to tell.

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I’ve never had much of a problem, but YMMV. Of course, it depends on how dense the mix is, what else is going on in the track, what type of music you are making, what type of sound you have called up on the OB, etc. There are lots of factors. As you can hear in these Oberheim demos, they offer quite the frequency range compared to some other synths, so you may have to dial it back if you are going for a certain sound, or trying to to fit it into a certain pocket. But often these adjustments can be made at the synth level with filtering, etc.


I don’t feel that way at all. in fact I love that filter specifically because you can find the sweet spot in the mix using a combination of the filter type and cutoff pots. this is also my misgiving about the OB-X8: it doesn’t have that option. you can choose between LP/BP/HP/Notch but you can’t go between them, which is what I love to do on the OB-6.


Good points! It’s always nice to hear these kind of user experiences! :slight_smile:

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Oh yeah! I totally missed that it’s lacking on the OB-X8. It’s kind of a shame really since it broadens the sonic palette and the user experience immensely.
This actually makes me reconsider the whole thing.
I don’t know why but I automatically assumed that the filter type is variable on the OB-X8

Other than arp and two extra voices how do you think the ob-x8 will differ in sound to ob6. I used to own an ob6, had a very distinct character.

When I had the OB-6 I found out that you can be a huge Oberheim fan but still unable to make the sound ”your own” as in write meaningful music with it. Then again, this was about six months into my synth mania so I wasn’t much of a sound designer back then. So should be only logical that I’ve been wanting it back for some time now. Then again, a poly synth is rarely the instrument I reach for when I’m starting a song, and once I’m done with everything else, there’s usually not enough room for a big poly. :slightly_smiling_face:

Having said that, the OB-X8 is lovely but I def wouldn’t sell all those other pieces to get one.

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yeah I did too until someone pointed this out. you can choose multiple filter options, of course. and more than you can on the OB-6. but not this specific feature. I often have it about halfway between LP and Notch, so I’d miss that if I funded the purchase of it with the OB-6. maybe they’ll add it in the future, but it’d be in the screen-based menu system.

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That all makes a lot of sense and I’m pretty similar in that I also rarely start a track with a big polyphonic synth, could of course be bcs I don’t have one. :slight_smile:
It is so ridiculous how much our tastes overlap, I mean what the hell man lol. :rofl:

Selling all those synths for the Oberheim is mostly a playful thought at this point.
I feel very satisfied with what I’ve got and love the quite minimal overlapping but there is something about the sound of the OB-X8 that makes me kinda dumber I reckon.


I guess in a way it’s limitations like these that make the instrument.
However, the sonic capabilities of the OB-X8 seem outstanding and it’s so cool to see Tom at it again like this.

Now I’ll just have to try to negotiate myself out of this lust and make do with what I’ve got. :slight_smile:

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well, I didn’t say I wasn’t gonna get one. just that I don’t plan on selling the OB-6 to fund it. :upside_down_face:

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Hehehe :slight_smile:

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I love hearing this. Saves me wasting time listening to anything else the idiot has to say :joy:
So yeh, ignore that self pontifical rubbish.

I think the OB-X8 has an extra LFO and modulation delay on that LFO. Something about keytracking LFO rate too… sounds intriguing.