OctaEdit - Octatrack Software Editor and Librarian [ OSX / Windows ]

This editor would make the OT much better!

Kickstart it? Because I will donate.

elektron. please? for your biggest fans.

If? lol, Iā€™m well fucking past that point.

They have no care or interest.

love to hear the official elektron line on this.

seems such a good utility for all users and user development should be encouraged; it will only enhance the OTā€™s useability.

fine if elektron themselves donā€™t want to support it, but at least open up the required protocol info to allow user development ā€¦ seems reasonable.

Reasonable is not something Elektron is being with the Octa,
and has seriously dented my faith in this company, and Iā€™ve been
a vocal supporter for 8 yrs.

I could be way off the mark and I will certainly stand up and publicly apologize for losing the faith if/when Elektron comes out with a thorough, well-thought-out update to the OT.

However, based on current behavior, my guess is that they got themselves stuck with the Octatrack. They created this mostly fantastic box that could do all kinds of wonderful stuff, released it too early, scrambled and kept patching and fixing because user complaints about missing features and bugs were possibly impacting sales, and when they finally got it mostly right dropped it.

I am guessing they dropped it to devote all their resources to Overbridge and their new Analog line, and since anything analog is very hot right now, they have those products in the spotlight and are working hard to make them competitive and desireable.

Since the new line will eventually integrate with Overbridge and the OT will not, the OT is in a difficult position.

It is a complex sampler/mangler in a world of analog boxes. Itā€™s got enough capabilities to be the centerpiece of a small studio setup or of a live rig, but the outside view that it is complex for hardware and more limited than software combined with the current state of the OS makes potential buyers cautious. For people with larger setups that want to add that something special, the OT becomes less attractive since it doesnā€™t play as nicely slaved to other gear as it does as the master.

I also think that most of the bugs and usage issues with the OT are hard to fix. Certainly some obvious things are easier to fix, but in general the hard problems are left open.

At this point, I take the OT for what it is right now. I use the features that are available and that work in my current configuration. Yes, it sucks that I have to remember to uncheck ā€˜receive clockā€™ when I want to use a Pickup machine (I usually remember right after the ā€˜Overdub Abortedā€™ message pops up) and other nagging issues, but it is what it is. I certainly hope we havenā€™t seen the last update for it, but I am not sitting around waiting for it either.

I mostly agree. The ā€œreleased too earlyā€ argument is only with the benefit of hindsight though in my opinion. Iā€™m pretty sure there wouldā€™ve been some sort of extensive financial/budgeting vs further development decision made and they felt they reached the optimum release point.

Iā€™m trying to keep my ā€œbusiness senseā€ hat on but itā€™s tough. In the OT we have something that is very difficult for noobs to crack but once they do and become more advanced the limitations and issues become increasingly galling. I suspect they have backed themselves into a corner with regards to the o/s and are hugely tempted to, if not already, wash their hands with it.

I can live with the OT as it is. I still enjoy using it enough but if an OT2 comes out without any more o/s updates then Iā€™d be pretty pissed. Still, ifs, buts and maybes. Time will tell!

I have the feeling they watch to much this

instead of doing some OT stuff.

A more eloquent, less brutal take on my personal opinon.

As an update, I might look at dusting off the project and jumping back into the code at some point, not sure when though, need to get inot the headspace.

some good points, I hope the editor eventuates. Its difficult sometimes to be patient with Elektronā€¦ they will get it done, in good Swedish timeā€¦ iā€™m only going off their past styles with the MD and mono taking years on end to become stable and polished. almost finished! there is also a danger of over analysing the OT machine because of its complex features and architecture but with rock solid sequencer and fantastic sonic capabilities thats good enough for the moment. Im waiting for updates, new features etc fingers crossed. i just looked at the litmus test on innerclockā€™s pageā€¦ check the timing results hereā€¦ beats LINNā€™s Tempest, mpc60/3000 for timing accuracy FFS! this could explain why its such a good idea to use the OT as master clock :slight_smile:
[justify]Elektron: Octatrack/Main OS Version 1.21B[/justify]
[justify]Number of samples [48 kHz] between consecutive Sixteenth Notes:[/justify]
[justify]5999/ 6001/ 6000/ 6000/ 6000/ 6001/ 5999/ 6001/ 6000/ 6000/ 6000/ 6001/ 5999/ 6001/ 6000/ 6000[/justify]
[justify]Maximum variation between any two consecutive Sixteenth Note intervals:
2 Samples [0.04ms][/justify]

[justify]This Test: External Sample Accurate Midi Clock (Cable)[/justify]
[justify]Number of samples [48 kHz] between consecutive Sixteenth Notes:
5992/ 6008/ 5991/ 6008/ 5991/ 6009/ 5990/ 6009/ 5991/ 6008/ 5991/ 6008/ 5991/ 6008/ 5992/ 6008[/justify]
[justify]Maximum variation between any two consecutive Sixteenth Note intervals:
19 Samples [0.40ms][/justify]

[justify](used without permission from innerclocksystems.com sorry David!)[/justify]



Wow, this for real?

Pinch me so I know Iā€™m not dreaming!!! :joy:

wooh hooo

thanks Rusty

Oh shit!! Rusty is a heroā€¦ Might need to install BootCamp for this

Doubt it. Donā€™t get too excited. Wait till some one else realises itā€™s just stuff and things as per the description.

Good stuff Rusty! I will back up my OT card tomorrow and test it out. Thanks for your ongoing commitment to making the OT a better tool.

Dear Rusty,

what a wonderful world with YOU.

All the best,


I got excited, then I rememberedā€¦Windows only :(.

So how is it guys?